As many of you know, there shall be, without fee, an interdenominational CD25 Rendezvous in the coastal hamlet of Scituate MA this summer. No yacht club or group afiliation is required, and moorings are available to all.
We are trying to establish the date for this event, and your input is needed. Many favor the long days centered around the summer solstice, June 21. These days offer working daylight 'till nearly 9pm, allowing sailors to put many miles under the keel in one day. We'd like to set a date well in advance, so people can plan and make arrangements.
My question to you is this: What dates work best for you? Help us decide what date would accomodate the greatest number of sailors who might attend. Again, all are invited and encouraged to join in.
To learn more about this rendezvous, just click the link below.
Let me hear from you!

CD25 Sovereign
Cape Ann, MA