Bottom Paint with Hot Peppers?

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

Mike Raehl

Bottom Paint with Hot Peppers?

Post by Mike Raehl »

Has anyone heard of adding hot pepper sauce to bottom paint to improve its effectiveness and keep costs down?

Warm day yesterday so I stopped by the marina to check on my Ty Weekender and got into a discussion with a marine woodworker who operates his business there. I asked if he knew what type of bottom paint works well here on the Hudson River. (Next season will be my first with a full size sailboat.) His suggestion was to buy cheap, say $60 / gallon, add two cups of hot pepper sauce and that would be good enough since keel boats are too slow to take advantage of the ablative paints.

Is the carpenter pulling my leg? What is a good bottom paint for the Hudson River? Brakish water, annual storage on the hard, hull currrently has multiple layers of black paint that is fadded with minor flaking. Cocoa boot strip needs to be repainted.

Mike Raehl
Ty #1958
Dr. Scoville

Only if it's a Red Savina Sauce........

Post by Dr. Scoville »

...... because at 577,000 Scoville units, they are the only variety that will hold up to the Hudson River water !!!!

Just pulling yer I suspect the boat carpenter was... ;-]

John Nuttall
s/v Aimless
CD31 328
Hmpt:Oriental, NC

ps- I did start prepping my garden beds for this seasons Habaneros, but I would never waste them in paint....they are way too much fun to eat.....

pps-ablative paint works just fine on sailboats too!!! I think you've been had... ;-)

Re: OK Hot Shot

Post by Douglas »

I don't think you have been had. There are several old bottom painting tricks that have been used for years. Hot sauce Why not?? How about 4oz. of cayenne peper per gallon of bottom paint. These addatives wont stop the paint from drying and they sure as heck are irritants to marine growth. The hotter the better.

Re: "YOU will go FAST.....

Post by Hanalei »

Captain Raehl,

Guarenteed, you will go FAST, if ya paints ya bottom with hot pepper paint!!!!!! Don't know that it would make your sailboat go faster though! Reminds me of bad things we did to the cat when we was very young! Me thinks ya been had!

Captain Commanding
Warren Kaplan

What did you do to the cat!

Post by Warren Kaplan »

Hanalei wrote:
Reminds me of bad things we did to the cat when we was very young!

Captain Commanding

Captain Stump,

Professional curiosity forces me to ask "what" did you do to the cat when you were a wee midshipman.

Warren Kaplan, DVM

Re: What did you do to the cat!

Post by Hanalei »

Dr. Kaplan,

Cat had gotten a little collicky (sp). Friend said to give it a teaspoon of gasoline, and that would cure it! Went home that night, wife held down Cat, I pried open its little mouth and poured in a teaspoon of gasoline. Wife couldn't hold onto cat, it broke free, ran all around the room, climbed up the curtains, ran across the room again out to the center and fell over! ! NO, didn't KILL it, it just RAN OUT OF GAS! ! !

Sorry, couldn't resist!

Captain Commanding

Re: What did you do to the cat! (ROFL.... NM)

Post by Bill »

Hanalei wrote: Dr. Kaplan,

Cat had gotten a little collicky (sp). Friend said to give it a teaspoon of gasoline, and that would cure it! Went home that night, wife held down Cat, I pried open its little mouth and poured in a teaspoon of gasoline. Wife couldn't hold onto cat, it broke free, ran all around the room, climbed up the curtains, ran across the room again out to the center and fell over! ! NO, didn't KILL it, it just RAN OUT OF GAS! ! !

Sorry, couldn't resist!

Captain Commanding
Warren Kaplan

Re: What did you do to the cat!

Post by Warren Kaplan »

Hanalei wrote: Dr. Kaplan,

Cat had gotten a little collicky (sp). Friend said to give it a teaspoon of gasoline, and that would cure it! Went home that night, wife held down Cat, I pried open its little mouth and poured in a teaspoon of gasoline. Wife couldn't hold onto cat, it broke free, ran all around the room, climbed up the curtains, ran across the room again out to the center and fell over! ! NO, didn't KILL it, it just RAN OUT OF GAS! ! !

Sorry, couldn't resist!

Captain Commanding
Capt Stump,
Very funny!! And just the answer I deserve!

Leo MacDonald

Good One Capt. Dave N/M

Post by Leo MacDonald »

Hanalei wrote: Dr. Kaplan,

Cat had gotten a little collicky (sp). Friend said to give it a teaspoon of gasoline, and that would cure it! Went home that night, wife held down Cat, I pried open its little mouth and poured in a teaspoon of gasoline. Wife couldn't hold onto cat, it broke free, ran all around the room, climbed up the curtains, ran across the room again out to the center and fell over! ! NO, didn't KILL it, it just RAN OUT OF GAS! ! !

Sorry, couldn't resist!

Captain Commanding
Good One Capt. Dave
Bill Goldsmith

Hudson River Paint Experience

Post by Bill Goldsmith »

I have used Interlux Micron CSC tha last three years sailing mostly in Haverstraw Bay. Works great. On haulout, a light powerwashing and the bottom looks like it was just painted. A light touchup before launching and voila, that's all ya gotta do!

See my post above (1st timers thread) for more benefits of ablative paint. No more sanding!!

Bill Goldsmith
Second Chance

On the hard by the banks of the Muhheakunnuk (great waters constantly in motion).

Also known as Shattemuc (River that flows both ways).

More recently known as the Hudson.

. : Has anyone heard of adding hot pepper sauce to bottom paint to improve its effectiveness and keep costs down?
Mike Raehl wrote: Warm day yesterday so I stopped by the marina to check on my Ty Weekender and got into a discussion with a marine woodworker who operates his business there. I asked if he knew what type of bottom paint works well here on the Hudson River. (Next season will be my first with a full size sailboat.) His suggestion was to buy cheap, say $60 / gallon, add two cups of hot pepper sauce and that would be good enough since keel boats are too slow to take advantage of the ablative paints.

Is the carpenter pulling my leg? What is a good bottom paint for the Hudson River? Brakish water, annual storage on the hard, hull currrently has multiple layers of black paint that is fadded with minor flaking. Cocoa boot strip needs to be repainted.

Mike Raehl
Ty #1958
David Miller

Re: Bottom Paint with Hot Peppers?

Post by David Miller »

Hey Mike,
I also talked with a dockmaster down here in Florida who has been using hot pepper in his bottom paint for years. He told me that with this additive he has gone as long as 3 years with very little growth on the bottom of his schooner.
David Miller "Coquina"
Mike Raehl wrote: Warm day yesterday so I stopped by the marina to check on my Ty Weekender and got into a discussion with a marine woodworker who operates his business there. I asked if he knew what type of bottom paint works well here on the Hudson River. (Next season will be my first with a full size sailboat.) His suggestion was to buy cheap, say $60 / gallon, add two cups of hot pepper sauce and that would be good enough since keel boats are too slow to take advantage of the ablative paints.

Is the carpenter pulling my leg? What is a good bottom paint for the Hudson River? Brakish water, annual storage on the hard, hull currrently has multiple layers of black paint that is fadded with minor flaking. Cocoa boot strip needs to be repainted.

Mike Raehl
Ty #1958

Re: Hay Bill ? ? ?

Post by Hanalei »

Captain Goldsmith,

I thought that a boat needed to be launched within a few days of being bottom painted with an ablative paint. Are you telling us that you powerwash her on haulout, leave her out all winter and just put her back in? How long does one coat of paint last anyhow???

Bill Goldsmith

Re: Hay Bill ? ? ?

Post by Bill Goldsmith »

Capt. Stump,

It depends on the product. For instance Micron CSC must be launched within 30 days of painting, but Micron Extra can stay out a whole season and be relaunched. I've never actually tested this because I have put one coat on each of the past three years in the spring about a week before launching. But the literature for Extra says it can be relaunched after an extended period dry.
Hanalei wrote: Captain Goldsmith,

I thought that a boat needed to be launched within a few days of being bottom painted with an ablative paint. Are you telling us that you powerwash her on haulout, leave her out all winter and just put her back in? How long does one coat of paint last anyhow???

Don S

How about Stove Black 'n peppers?

Post by Don S »

Thinned with Perrier?

CD25D # 189
Prefers her peppers in her chili
Hanalei wrote:
Captain Raehl,

Guarenteed, you will go FAST, if ya paints ya bottom with hot pepper paint!!!!!! Don't know that it would make your sailboat go faster though! Reminds me of bad things we did to the cat when we was very young! Me thinks ya been had!

Captain Commanding

Re: Sounds like a plan, but not.....

Post by Hanalei »

on your CAT! Warren would be angry! Of course, the formula you propose is for use ONLY in Greenwich Cove, right?

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