Cape Dory 28 sailboat headroom

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Michael Long

Cape Dory 28 sailboat headroom

Post by Michael Long »

Could someone tell me what the standing headroom is in the galley area and forward to the v-berth for the Cape Dory 28 sailboat. Also what is the length and breadth of the v-berth and the salon berths?
Bill Brockschmidt

Re: Cape Dory 28 sailboat headroom

Post by Bill Brockschmidt »

On DULCINA, our 1979 CD28 --

Standing head room (all alnng the centerline):
At the galley - 72" with the companion way hatch closed (with the hatch open it is 99" to the boom.)
In the main cabin - 72' except under the forward hatch where there is an additional 3".
In the head compartment - 69-1/2" at the center.

Bunk legnth:
Main cabin bunks - 75-1/2"
V-berth - 74" fore to aft, and 75-1/2" if measured at the angle of the berths.

I forgot that you asked for the breadth of the bunks, but I will try to remember to take the tape measure along when I go back this afternoon.

Bill Brockschmidt
CD28 #234
Bill Brockschmidt

Re: Cape Dory 28 sailboat headroom/bunk breadth

Post by Bill Brockschmidt »

Breadth of bunks:
Main cabin - starboard side - 26"
Main cabin - port side, this bunk is extendable. Our cushions are about 4" thick. With the back cushion in place as a back rest (reducing the available bunk space) - 25"; with the bunk extended and the back cushion adding to the width - 43". I think there is space for the cushion to be about one inch wider.
Vee berth - 79" wide at the aft end of the cabin with the filler in place. At the aft end of the cabin, with the filler removed each bunk is about 24" wide.

I hope this helps.

Bill Brockschmidt
CD28 #234
Jay Hubbard

Re: Cape Dory 28 sailboat headroom & Bunk width

Post by Jay Hubbard »

Have the same layout as Dulcinea. When I bought the boat the Backrest boards for the main cabin bunks had been removed to provide a little more width. I put them back in, tried them for a weekend, and they now are in my cellar. Removing the backboards allows more space when sitting and quicker and easier access to storage behind the bunks and on the shelfs. When undrway Cushions and Bunk cushions are kept in place with a sea straps.

Jay Hubbard
Fiddler's Green
CD 28 # 245
Bill Brockschmidt wrote: On DULCINA, our 1979 CD28 --

Standing head room (all alnng the centerline):
At the galley - 72" with the companion way hatch closed (with the hatch open it is 99" to the boom.)
In the main cabin - 72' except under the forward hatch where there is an additional 3".
In the head compartment - 69-1/2" at the center.

Bunk legnth:
Main cabin bunks - 75-1/2"
V-berth - 74" fore to aft, and 75-1/2" if measured at the angle of the berths.

I forgot that you asked for the breadth of the bunks, but I will try to remember to take the tape measure along when I go back this afternoon.

Bill Brockschmidt
CD28 #234
Bill Brockschmidt

Re: Cape Dory 28 sailboat headroom & Bunk width

Post by Bill Brockschmidt »

DULCINEA has no back rest boards. BAck cushion is held in place with a couple of Velcro strips, bottom cushion only by gravity.
Bill Brockschmidt
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