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Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Larry DeMers

Re: Greasy Spoon Closed?

Post by Larry DeMers »

Hi Guys,

Well, John had mentioned this idea of moving to Oriental in a previous thread, and it sounded good then, and since I am bound to retire before I die from terminal boredom here at SGI, we decided to start the process of training our daughter to take over the businesses...slowly. She is doing the personel scheduling and handling daily problems with the employees we currently have, and when the second restaurant reopens in March, she will run the personel there too. Next she has to learn training of newbies, and a plethora of new stuff. So we are still a few years out from this goal I suspect.

In addition, she just had a little boy a few weeks ago..a preemee at 5.5 mn. gestation (None of us (including her) knew she was pregnant until a few hours before delivery. I had exactly 4 hours to go from knowing nothing, to looking at my grandson. Talk about a learning curve. Most folks get 9 mn. to get used to the idea. We had to create a nursery, and get babybottles, diapers, formula for premees, etc., the same day we found out and that was one of the strangest experiences I have ever had..I was in total denial while stuffing the shopping cart full of supplies for this child. The wierd part was that she had her monthly *event* right up til the day before she found out she was in the process of miscarrying a baby. She almost died from the blood loss, and had to be helicoptered 150 miles to the main hospital in the state for neonatal intensive care. Nicholas LAWRENCE is doing great now, weighs a tad over 5 lbs at 1 mn old, and yup, my old heart does beat a tad faster when I feed him.)

So the timing fits in ok with me, as I am at the top of my income curve now, and the money I am making now will be burned in retirement years. So it is important to keep the nose to the grindstone for a while yet.

The move south is a definitely attractive idea though, and we are treating it as the only alternative at the present time.

Thanks for the heads up about the restaurant though. The chances are good that this idea may prove very possible in a few years or sooner.



John Nuttall wrote: Hey Parfait!!!
I was referring to the "Village" in Oriental (the meeting place) but the Marina restaurant is on the blocks too.

Don't you think either Beaufort or Oriental need a good Tex-Mex AND another great Cape Dory sailor???

Let's convince Larry to come down to the NC coast and set up shop. Between Aimless & Parfait we can gaurantee him 72 meals a weekend. I LOVE enchiladas with salsa verde and a huevo frito on top!!!

So Larry, if you are reading this, "come on down" to the NC coast.

s/v Aimless

ps- anyone have a good enchilada recipe that an easy shipboard fix....kinda like a one-pot enchilada thing...easy to pot to clean up..???

Re: Ole......"Enchiladas Cape Dory"

Post by Bill »

either con limon

Will post the recipe later.

Fair Winds
Captain Commanding
S/V Rhapsody
CD25D # 148
Oklahoma Contigent of the NE Fleet
Galley Wench of the S/V Heather Ann & Evening Light
Spring is Sprung!!!!
John Nuttall wrote:
Bill wrote: Hi Bill,
Yes, an oven I have.....lets post the recipe so all can see....I am hungry, what to wash them down with....Corona or Tecate ? ;-]
Larry D.

Re: I don't know, Larry, but I hear opportunity knocking!!

Post by Larry D. »


Nah, that's just my Volvo firing up for the first time this since's cold and bangs a bit until she warms up.
Opportunity is a funny thing. SO many things have to be in place and right for it to work for you. We are currently fully enagaged in another "opportunity", which really just allows the new guy to find out for himself why the former owner of the "opportunity" didn't make it. That's when the real work make corrections or adjustments to your business to accomodate the problems newly discovered, and hopefully make it. seems an awful lot like work!


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