What is the Head Room of a CD30

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Duane Yoslov

What is the Head Room of a CD30

Post by Duane Yoslov »

A friend of mine is considering a CD30 but is 6'3" and must have at least that in head room. Does anyone know the headroom in a CD30?

D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: What is the Head Room of a CD30

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »

Sorry, but you asked for it! The head room is that little room forward of the main salon bulkhead and just aft of the forward cabin after bulkhead, there's a little porcelin bowl in there....OH, that really hurts!!!! I can measure Hanalei this weekend if you want it exact, but I am exactly 6' tall and can walk to the V berth without hitting my head. The only obstruction is in way of the companion way hatch, the cabin sole is raised in this area to accomodate the head holding tank, so you can rap a six footer in this area. 6'3" I think would be pushing it, the actual clearance is probably more on the order of 6'1" or 6'2". Like I said, I'll measure it this weekend and let you know on this site Monday.
Duane Yoslov

Re: What is the Head Room of a CD30

Post by Duane Yoslov »

HA! Well...should have seen that one coming. Anyway if you could measure the height from cabin sole to coach roof I'd appreciate it.


D. Stump, Hanalei wrote: Duane,
Sorry, but you asked for it! The head room is that little room forward of the main salon bulkhead and just aft of the forward cabin after bulkhead, there's a little porcelin bowl in there....OH, that really hurts!!!! I can measure Hanalei this weekend if you want it exact, but I am exactly 6' tall and can walk to the V berth without hitting my head. The only obstruction is in way of the companion way hatch, the cabin sole is raised in this area to accomodate the head holding tank, so you can rap a six footer in this area. 6'3" I think would be pushing it, the actual clearance is probably more on the order of 6'1" or 6'2". Like I said, I'll measure it this weekend and let you know on this site Monday.

Steve Alarcon

Re: What is the Head Room of a CD30

Post by Steve Alarcon »

Duane Yoslov wrote: A friend of mine is considering a CD30 but is 6'3" and must have at least that in head room. Does anyone know the headroom in a CD30?
Interesting to read Dave's reply. I have an '83 CD30, and I think I have less head room than Dave. I also am 6 ft. (but only on good days, others I am about 5'11"), and I can stand straight only at mid-main salon or at the galley (with my head in the sliding roof area. As I go forward, the space seems to shrink and I am obligated to bow my head in the head and vee birth. I recall that Dave also has a different motor than I; I have a rear-facing Volvo, he has a forward facing Universal. Could it be there are differences between the CD30's?

Steve Alarcon
CD30 Temerity

D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: What is the Head Room of a CD30

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »

Sorry, but I forgot to measure it Sat. or Sun. We had a beautiful weekend of sailing and I totally forgot. Will get the measurements for you probably on Tuesday, so look here Wednesday morning!

D. Stump, Hanalei
D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: What is the Head Room of a CD30

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »

Sorry to take so long getting back to you, but I just started a new job and haven't had time to get to the boat. I measured the cabin headroom this weekend. In way of the companion way hatch, standing on the small raised section of the sole, the height is 5'10". Just forward of this area, the headroom is 6'1". At about mid-cabin, actually under the main salon hatch you can get about 6'2" but only in the hatch area. At the forward cabin bulkhead, the headroom is about 6'1", and in the head area itself, aobut 5'11". I didn't measure "V" berth height, but it is considerably under 6'. Hope this helps, I would think that someone that is 6'3" would have to bend over from stem to stern.
D. Stump
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