Varnish Stripper

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Don Metznik

Varnish Stripper

Post by Don Metznik »

Any recommendations for a liquid varnish stripper?
Larry DeMers

Re: Varnish Stripper

Post by Larry DeMers »

I would make sure whatever product you use is safe for -or- never touches the fiberglass..I tried some Zip Strip and a couple specks that splashed behind the winch base ate a hole right into the fiberglass!

Larry DeMers
s/v DeLaMer
Don Metznik wrote: Any recommendations for a liquid varnish stripper?
John R.

Re: Varnish Stripper

Post by John R. »

Don Metznik wrote: Any recommendations for a liquid varnish stripper?
I prefer a heat gun, less mess and faster. Use it judiciously.
charlie palumbo

Re: Varnish Stripper

Post by charlie palumbo »

Don Metznik wrote: Any recommendations for a liquid varnish stripper?
As the previous message stated, a heat gun and a small hook scraper with a sharpening file is the way to go. If you use the heat gun method, make sure you bring along the various nozzle attachments as they help greatly. I also bring along a small strong cardboard box to lay the heat gun in after each use so the fiberglass does not get marred. Use the heat gun not overheat as less is better than more. Heat a small area, place the gun in a box and then patiently scrape the area. Of cousr after this is all done you will have to sand.
good luck...........Charlie

Re: Varnish Stripper

Post by Fred »

Don Metznik wrote: Any recommendations for a liquid varnish stripper?
Use caution, even the safe for fiberglass brands can eat gelcoat. Heat gun is safer, just don't burn the wood.
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