1987 CD 30 Mark II Sailing Characteristics

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

Warren Kaplan

Re: Do ya suppose I could....

Post by Warren Kaplan »

Hanalei wrote: purchase all those photos just to keep them OFF the site?????? It may not be something ya wants to see, could cause ya ta bring up your rum...........

Cap'n Stump,
You are too hard on yourself. Of all the pirates at the NE Fleet meeting, you, without a doubt, were the best lookin' one at Unk's that day!

Warren Kaplan
Sine Qua Non

Richard Feffer

Re: Hey, I take offense to this "Chicken legs" thing....

Post by Richard Feffer »

Were they YOUR best silk stockings or maybe they belong to your new bride!!!???

It wasn't I that attached "Chicken Legs" to your new title, but after attending the latest NE Fleet meeting, I must admit it certainly fits!!! In fact last night's chicken dinner had better legs than you!!! "Stumpy Chicken Legs"! I love it!!!

Don Carr

Who was in the bag?

Post by Don Carr »

Is it what or who was in the bag.

Mark Yashiinsky

Pictures were taken...

Post by Mark Yashiinsky »

by some. So fess up, who has the incriminating negatives??? On the flip side, the new Fleet Captain filled a fine uniform.

Re: Thank U Sir, I am in your debt.....n/m

Post by Hanalei »


Re: I will defend........

Post by Hanalei »

I will defend while HOLDING a cup! ! Of true GROG Sir! And will not spill a drop!!! Won't have V time to go West young man!

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
Mark Yashinsky

Ah, ha

Post by Mark Yashinsky »

It has come out. The lone pirate is scared of the various "teams" that have formed for the West LIS race. West is Best, East is Least. Or something like that....
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