Davits for CD 33

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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Jon-David Johnson

Davits for CD 33

Post by Jon-David Johnson »

I've read alot of discussion about installing dinghy davits on a CD 30, but was wondering if anyone uses Davits on their CD 33. I will be using a 7.5' wood/epoxy dinghy that weighs about 55 lbs. Is this to much weight for the back of a CD 33? My CD 30 always set kind of low in the stern, is the 33 this way also?
Anne Carman and Bob Steve

Re: Davits for CD 33

Post by Anne Carman and Bob Steve »

We put KATO davits on our CD 33 four years ago and really like them. It saves a half hour at each end of the trip fetching and launching the dinghy.

Our boat probably does sit down a little more in the stern and we are considering adding some weight in the bow. But overall we find them to be a great convenience and have not noticed any diminished performance, especially when you consider towing a fiberglass dinghy (we think ours weighs at least 100 lbs).

KATO is in Annapolis and has an exhibit at the fall boat show.


Re: Davits for CD 33

Post by Jon-David »

I would love to see some Pictures of your boat showing the davits and dinghy, are you able to e-mail pictures? If so, and you dont mind my e-mail is jjohnson@jam.rr.com

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