Well, this is certainly _one_ way to use an autopilot. I don't think it's the only way, however, nor does it seem to be what the original writer was suggesting.Neil Gordon wrote: >>... you should give serious thought to some type of electronic autopilot... For one thing, you will not appear to be drifting all over the anchorage while getting your gear set up, and so on.<<
So instead the autopilot will drive the boat with reckless abandon while you're consumed with setting up gear?:
Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167
Single Handed Anchor Handling
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Single Handed Anchor Handling
Re: Single Handed Anchor Handling
I used to sail solo exclusively, therefore, I had my hook on an anchor
holder on the sternrail. The anchor rode, coiled in a large bucket
in the cockpit, ran forward through over the achor roller, and then outside the stanchions to the stern. All I had to do then was to face into the wind, drop my hook, and I had about 26' of rode already paid
out. I then ran more scope and cleated in the cockpit. Drop sails and
read my book. I just reversed order to get underway. Set sails, and
walk the rhode to the stern, pick up the hook and trim sails and underway.
holder on the sternrail. The anchor rode, coiled in a large bucket
in the cockpit, ran forward through over the achor roller, and then outside the stanchions to the stern. All I had to do then was to face into the wind, drop my hook, and I had about 26' of rode already paid
out. I then ran more scope and cleated in the cockpit. Drop sails and
read my book. I just reversed order to get underway. Set sails, and
walk the rhode to the stern, pick up the hook and trim sails and underway.
Tom Walton wrote:Well, this is certainly _one_ way to use an autopilot. I don't think it's the only way, however, nor does it seem to be what the original writer was suggesting.Neil Gordon wrote: >>... you should give serious thought to some type of electronic autopilot... For one thing, you will not appear to be drifting all over the anchorage while getting your gear set up, and so on.<<
So instead the autopilot will drive the boat with reckless abandon while you're consumed with setting up gear?:
Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167