I'm about to reinforce my chainplates, which involves unfastening and remounting them. Should I go thru the hassle of unsteping the mast before beginning this project or can I merely loosen the shroud on the side I working on while keeping the other attached?
Dumb question--removing chainplates
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Dumb question--removing chainplates
if you are going to create new holes by filling with epoxy and redrilling you should allow for a 24 hour cure which means at least three consecutive days of only one shroud attachment. if someone is guaranteeing you the weather go ahead. if you don't have those three days, it might be wise to drop the mast. not that big a deal on a ty.
Peter Guerrero wrote: I'm about to reinforce my chainplates, which involves unfastening and remounting them. Should I go thru the hassle of unsteping the mast before beginning this project or can I merely loosen the shroud on the side I working on while keeping the other attached?
Re: Dumb question--removing chainplates
Use your hallyard for a shroud. Connect to a sail track or the base of a life line stancion. doesn't need to be set up that tight unless you plan to go for a sail that way. sailors are jury riggers.sloopjohnl wrote: if you are going to create new holes by filling with epoxy and redrilling you should allow for a 24 hour cure which means at least three consecutive days of only one shroud attachment. if someone is guaranteeing you the weather go ahead. if you don't have those three days, it might be wise to drop the mast. not that big a deal on a ty.
Peter Guerrero wrote: I'm about to reinforce my chainplates, which involves unfastening and remounting them. Should I go thru the hassle of unsteping the mast before beginning this project or can I merely loosen the shroud on the side I working on while keeping the other attached?
john cd31 #18
Bonnie Blue
Re: Dumb question--removing chainplates
When removing a shroud I use the halyards as a substitute. When rebuilding my bowsprit I had the headstay detached for a month. I used both halyards winched tight as a replacement.
Olli Wendelin
Charleston, SC
When removing a shroud I use the halyards as a substitute. When rebuilding my bowsprit I had the headstay detached for a month. I used both halyards winched tight as a replacement.
Olli Wendelin
Charleston, SC