Propane Storage on a 25D ??'s

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Propane Storage on a 25D ??'s

Post by Bill »

Hello to all

I want to store my BBQ dispoal propane bottles on board but dont want them below decks (DAH) and I thought about installing a "pocket" system on the underside of the hatch on the anchor locker and storing them there. If I do this the heavier than air propane should sink (in case one of the bottles leak and they do leak)to the very bottom of the locker and hopefully exit throught the drain hole for the anchor locker. There is a gap between the locker's aft bulkhead and the deck so I guess my question is, is it possible for the leaked propane to make it into the main cabin via this gap? I think the chances would be sligth, but am not for sure?

Comments highly appreciated.

Fair winds

S/V Rhapsody
john doyle

Re: Propane Storage on a 25D ??'s

Post by john doyle »

Bill wrote: Hello to all

I want to store my BBQ dispoal propane bottles on board but dont want them below decks (DAH) and I thought about installing a "pocket" system on the underside of the hatch on the anchor locker and storing them there. If I do this the heavier than air propane should sink (in case one of the bottles leak and they do leak)to the very bottom of the locker and hopefully exit throught the drain hole for the anchor locker. There is a gap between the locker's aft bulkhead and the deck so I guess my question is, is it possible for the leaked propane to make it into the main cabin via this gap? I think the chances would be sligth, but am not for sure?

Comments highly appreciated.

Fair winds

S/V Rhapsody
Bill, I am in the same process, but am having a small teak box built for the aft deck just forward of the back stay. It will hold 2 bottles and be strong enough to stand on. I already had a leaky bottle which was sitting in the cockpit & I could smell it below. We met a couple in the Bahamas just before their boat blew up from a propane leak. She was killed & he was blown off the bow but survived. Dangerous stuff & I want to keep it out of the boat.
Richard Feffer

Re: Propane Storage on a 25D ??'s

Post by Richard Feffer »

I would suggest a method devised by Cap't Michael Heinz, Fleet Captain NE Fleet. He straps, vertically, a 4" length of PVC to a stanchion on the stern rail. It doesn't look all that bad and certainly is the topic of conversation.("What's that?") With a plug on the bottom and a cap on top, it is long enough to store two spare bottles. Perhaps a hole in the bottom of the PVC would allow any gas to drain overboard. You might contact him for specifics.

Will you be joining us for the rendezvous this year?

Re: Propane Storage on a 25D ??'s

Post by Bill »

Thanks Dick

I like that idea! I'll look into it and see if I can rig such a device. I dont recall seeing such a thing (on Mike boat) this past I'll check into it.

As far as this summer, I am waiting for the announcement of the dates. I just completed major surgery (all is well) and dont have much vacation time this year, so I am trying to decide which event (Rondy or Cruise to Maine) I can attend. I have been offered a berth (I think), but am unsure as to which event that skipper might or might not be able to attend due to work commitments (sp). We'll see as the events draw near.

It is good to hear from you and I hope all is well with you and yours. And thanks for the suggestion.


S/V Rhapsody

Richard Feffer wrote: I would suggest a method devised by Cap't Michael Heinz, Fleet Captain NE Fleet. He straps, vertically, a 4" length of PVC to a stanchion on the stern rail. It doesn't look all that bad and certainly is the topic of conversation.("What's that?") With a plug on the bottom and a cap on top, it is long enough to store two spare bottles. Perhaps a hole in the bottom of the PVC would allow any gas to drain overboard. You might contact him for specifics.

Will you be joining us for the rendezvous this year?
Jack and Jo Chamberlain

Re: Propane Storage on a 25D ??'s

Post by Jack and Jo Chamberlain »

We have a propane grill on our CD 33. We do not want propane anywhere below decks or enclosed. So we made a Sunbrella bag that holds three bottles, with a flap held closed with twist-lock fasteners. The bag has webbing that buckles to stern pulpit stanchion. The weight rests on the deck. So far it has worked just fine.
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