All Captains,
It is official! Captain Dave Stump(previously known as "Stumpy" to some)is back on his feet. The peg has been removed, so let's hear no more of the "Stumpy" thing! Being on his own limbs again now allows the Captain to give full attention to sail training for the crew of Hanalei. Conditions in Long Island Sound this afternoon will be 15 - 25 knots out of Northeast with 4 - 5 foot seas. PERFECT, for race sail training!
Remember, Saturday next is the meeting at UNK's Tavern in Waterford, CT whereat the race course(s) for next season will be decided, among other business such as election of Officers! You NEED to be there to voice your opinion! Event begins at 1000 hours sharp! Be there, by order of the Fleet Captain, Sir Leo MacDonald! Also, appropriate 1700's era costumes are the uniform of the day!
One wonders with that last if there will be any "Doxies" off the bum boats in harbor show up in costume? There will most definately be a Pirate or two in attendance. There may also be some Captains in full dress uniform, it promises to be a rousing event, so please join your mates and come to the tavern.
Lunch will be served, and grog may be purchased. The Officers of the New England Fleet expect to see you there! A grand time will be had by all!
I remain........your most HUMBLE......servant.......
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
Nautical Traditions Officer
Medical news and NE meeting stuff.....
Moderator: Jim Walsh