Western Racecourse

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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Michael Heintz

Western Racecourse

Post by Michael Heintz »

Captain Heintz reports back to duty on the Cape Dory Bulletin Board. After a brief walkabout in the high deserts of New Mexico. While out there had little time on a computer, so could not keep up with the banter. However while out there came up with a pretty good race course. You just have get a trailer or put wheels on your CD's.

What say Pirate Stump?

Michael Heintz
Captain Commanding
Macht Nichts

Back at the helm

Re: Western Racecourse

Post by JimL »

Oh boy!! I've got a trailer, with 4 new tires....and a company truck! They even sent me to driving school at Willow Springs and taught me how to mash the right pedal till something breaks. If I can just find a way to tie her down onto the trailer, real tight......

You know what I always say......"It ain't MY truck."

(Sure is easy to launch when you know the tow rig is headed for the auto auction!)

Seriously, good news is.... I launched Odyssey III at Dana Point yesterday and had a great 5 hour sail. Air temp 72 degrees, water 57 degrees, light winds-8 knots from the west. No leaks, no problems, and very pretty. She's now parked in her slip, waiting for the days to get longer (I think that's Friday). Thanks to all the board for help along the way.


Mark Yashinsky

Re: Western Racecourse

Post by Mark Yashinsky »

What people dont seem to realize, is that the land portion cannot use the tow vehicle's engine. It has to be all by wind power (talk about "jib ho" on the off ramp). Mike, you should think about triathlon style. You seem to have water, and land, what about air???

Re: Sure, and don't ya know.....

Post by Hanalei »

Michael Heintz
Captain Commanding
Macht Nichts,

A Western Long Island course would be just the thing! Break out your charts and navigation tools, Sir! Plot the course on your favorite chart and bring said chart to the meetin' on Saturday. The meetin' is where all banter will cease! The die will be cast! All that will remain is to TRAIN, TRAIN, TRAIN your crew in an attempt to best that WINNIN' Captain Stump at sea next July or August! It appears that three (3) courses are emergin', Eastern from Cape Cod Canal on East, Middle that very well may be a repeat of last years race to the Island of Adrian Block, or the infamous "Horseshoe Reef" course, and Western (which I would imagine would start in a cove called Greenwhich where the water has a property of preventing bottom growth by continually bubbling!)! Querie: Is that due to an EXCESS of GAS in the vacinity of that town?

Any and all ideas will be considered, but once Saturday next has past the course(s) will be a matter of record and anyone that has not been heard must of course "stand down"!

Happy you have returned, contact by E-mail for other business....at your leisure, I remain Sir......your most HUMBLE......servant.......

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
Nautical Traditions Officer
Michael Heintz

Re: Western Racecourse

Post by Michael Heintz »


I think you are correct SIR, Why not a triathlon style race!!!!! Got the water part figured out, the course to New Mexico is pretty straight forward, now the air thing......... will work on the calculations of the size hot air balloon needed to accomplish this third leg!!!!!!

Michael Heintz
Captain Commanding
Air,Land &Sea
Macht Nichts

*** going to Town fair tires later today to see what the cost will be
Don Carr

Plenty of Balloon Filling Resources here

Post by Don Carr »

In reply to your post..I'm sure Stumpy could prove useful in this regard.


Re: THAT smarts !.......n/m

Post by Hanalei »

Capt Helium

Re: THAT smarts !.......n/m

Post by Capt Helium »

Just kidding Dave.. Hey I spent about 4 hours over at Sound Rigging on Saturday..with Chuck..Watch out..:)

Mark Yashinsky

Re: Western Racecourse

Post by Mark Yashinsky »

Captain Hook did it without a hot air balloon. Where's Tinkerbell when you need her??? Speaking of which, does "#1" resemble Captain Hook in any way???
Catherine Monaghan

Captain Hook impersonator...

Post by Catherine Monaghan »

Okay, you tell us if you think Pirate Stump (until recently known as Stumpy) resembles Captain Hook! He does sport a hook but he's recently shed the peg leg:-))

CD32 Realization, #3
Rahway, NJ
Raritan Bay

Mark Yashinsky wrote: Captain Hook did it without a hot air balloon. Where's Tinkerbell when you need her??? Speaking of which, does "#1" resemble Captain Hook in any way???

[img]http://www.toolworks.com/cdsoa/NErendez ... vejoel.jpg[/img]

Reminds me of the story about the pirate...

Post by JimL »

with one peg leg, hook for one hand, and patch over one eye. The new cabin boy asked him, "How did you lose your leg?"
"Shark bit it off." he replied.

"And how did you lose your hand?" asked the boy.
"Torn off by a giant squid." said the pirate.

"How did you lose your eye?" asked the cabin boy.
"Seagull flew over while I was looking at the sails. It crapped in my eye." said the pirate.

"How could seagull crap put out your eye?" asked the boy.
"I was my first day with my hook." said the pirate.
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