One method of avoiding, or at least attempting to avoid, unsolicited e-mail is to use "NOSPAM" within your e-mail address. Just type NOSPAM before the "@" (at sign) in the address as in the following:
In order for someone to send you an e-mail, they have to manually remove the "NOSPAM" from the address. Keep in mind that this is most effective against e-mail distribution lists or any "spider" that's out there looking for addresses to add to a list. Since it's automated, it won't know that the address won't work. The sender will get all the "undeliverable" messages back from your ISP rather than you receiving the spam.
If your "good" e-mail address has already been captured, then there isn't much you can do. If you're receiving spam from a legitimate business, and you don't want it, legally they have to provide an out. They should provide an e-mail address or a contact and instructions on how to remove your e-mail address from their list. Those that aren't legitimate? Well that's another story. And I'm afraid that replying to one of their messages in an attempt to be removed from their list, may only add you to other lists. So don't reply to these messages.
If you don't recognize the recipient's name or e-mail address and the subject of the message is questionable, delete it. You can also forward it to your ISP with a complaint.
By the way, everyone has the ability to either Edit or Delete their entry in the Registry. I hope that you'll choose to Edit rather than delete your entry and that you'll use NOSPAM as part of your address.
Hope this helps.
CD32 Realization, #3
CCDOA Assistant Web Master
Administrative - Anyone Out There Calling Me Sweetie ?
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Administrative - Anyone Out There Calling Me Sweetie ?
I got it too. I didn't open the email. I deleted the email and put it on my call block so I won't get another one.
Della Mauk
Della Mauk