Cape Dory

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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Douglas Young

Cape Dory

Post by Douglas Young »

Why is this called the California Cape Dory Association ? Most of the boats and people seem to be east coast.
Nautical Traditions Offic

Re: It is Traditional ! !

Post by Nautical Traditions Offic »

Captain Young,

This is the California Cape Dory Owners Association's web site, because they are the ones that started it! It has recently been renamed the Cape Dory Board to encompass all of the other fleets that have been created since their fine start. So, quite simply Sir, it is Traditional! However, since we all own CD's, we all get together on this site to exchange ideas, experiences and whatever. Yours........

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
Nautical Traditions Officer
Will W.

Re: It is Traditional ! !

Post by Will W. »

Hi Doug
Recently this web site under went a change to accomodate the fact that the message board part of this site is used by Cape Dory owners all over the world. If you look at the top of the page of the message board you will see icons for two other Cape Dory Owners Associations. I belong to the Chesapeake Fleet and do live on the east coast. I link to this page from The CDSOA ( which actually consists of four sub fleets )site. This is the origin of the particularly noisy N.E. fleet. The quiet but deadly Chesapaeke fleet, and the Carolinas and Gulf Coast fleets which are probably too busy sailing to be too noisy.
I don't know why this originated as the California Cape Dory Site. Probably because thats where Wilt Bilofsky lives and he is the web master and may have started this whole thing. These details will be supplied by some more knowledgable member I'm sure.

I like you, was supprised by the make up of this Board when I first came upon it. After all, Cape Dorys were built in Massachusetts( the poster boy state of eastcoastness) . It took me a little while to shed my natural tendencies to discount anyhting west of the Appalations. I like the board this way as it helps me get the most input from the most sailors when I post a query. Having grown up in Annapolis, I am constantly amazed by the existence of sailors in other places ( Just Kidding ).Its funny, I didn't like California so much that my attempt to live there in the 80s was a miserable failure. The people were great! I think it was the territory that rejected me. I am eastcoast born and bred and the west coast literally just made me uncomfortable. On this board though I don't have to travel to the west to get great advice from the knowledgable group out there and vice versa. I hope I have answered some of your question about this matter. As far as history of this and the other boards, maybe some senior member could put that down as part of the intropages. Happy Sailing.

Will Wheatley
Suzi Q

Nautical Traditions Officer wrote: Captain Young,

This is the California Cape Dory Owners Association's web site, because they are the ones that started it! It has recently been renamed the Cape Dory Board to encompass all of the other fleets that have been created since their fine start. So, quite simply Sir, it is Traditional! However, since we all own CD's, we all get together on this site to exchange ideas, experiences and whatever. Yours........

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
Nautical Traditions Officer
Warren Kaplan

Re: It is Traditional ! !

Post by Warren Kaplan »

"This is the origin of the particularly noisy N.E. fleet."

Say Will,

Of course we're noisy!! Somebody has to be! HA! Everyone knows the whole country is run from the Northeast!! Movers and shakers, all of us up here! And that's why "The Race" is being held in the Northeast. How far east in the Northeast will be determined come this Saturday!
All are welcome, by the way, to try and unseat the "particularly noisy" Captain Stump!

Warren Kaplan (loudmouth extraordinaire!)
Sine Qua Non-- Sailing out of Oyster Bay, NY..proud member of the very noisy Cape Dory NE Fleet, definitely in the Northeast USA!
CD27 #166 (1980)

Re: Oh, GREAT, let's.....

Post by NTO »

Captain Kaplan,

Stir 'em up!

See ya Saturday......

Dave Stump
Mike Thorpe


Post by Mike Thorpe »


We in the NE Fleet prefere to think ourselfs as inspired not noisy. However, I must admit that our Nautical Traditions Office, Captain Stump (know as Stumpy to some) does color the water, but in a pleasant way.


Will W. wrote: Hi Doug
Recently this web site under went a change to accomodate the fact that the message board part of this site is used by Cape Dory owners all over the world. If you look at the top of the page of the message board you will see icons for two other Cape Dory Owners Associations. I belong to the Chesapeake Fleet and do live on the east coast. I link to this page from The CDSOA ( which actually consists of four sub fleets )site. This is the origin of the particularly noisy N.E. fleet. The quiet but deadly Chesapaeke fleet, and the Carolinas and Gulf Coast fleets which are probably too busy sailing to be too noisy.
I don't know why this originated as the California Cape Dory Site. Probably because thats where Wilt Bilofsky lives and he is the web master and may have started this whole thing. These details will be supplied by some more knowledgable member I'm sure.

I like you, was supprised by the make up of this Board when I first came upon it. After all, Cape Dorys were built in Massachusetts( the poster boy state of eastcoastness) . It took me a little while to shed my natural tendencies to discount anyhting west of the Appalations. I like the board this way as it helps me get the most input from the most sailors when I post a query. Having grown up in Annapolis, I am constantly amazed by the existence of sailors in other places ( Just Kidding ).Its funny, I didn't like California so much that my attempt to live there in the 80s was a miserable failure. The people were great! I think it was the territory that rejected me. I am eastcoast born and bred and the west coast literally just made me uncomfortable. On this board though I don't have to travel to the west to get great advice from the knowledgable group out there and vice versa. I hope I have answered some of your question about this matter. As far as history of this and the other boards, maybe some senior member could put that down as part of the intropages. Happy Sailing.

Will Wheatley
Suzi Q

Nautical Traditions Officer wrote: Captain Young,

This is the California Cape Dory Owners Association's web site, because they are the ones that started it! It has recently been renamed the Cape Dory Board to encompass all of the other fleets that have been created since their fine start. So, quite simply Sir, it is Traditional! However, since we all own CD's, we all get together on this site to exchange ideas, experiences and whatever. Yours........

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
Nautical Traditions Officer
Will W.

Don't Get Me Wrong...I Love You Guys

Post by Will W. »

Hey, without you all up there doing the pre race bantering and bashing I would be deprived of a great source of amusement. Keep it up! Will
NTO wrote: Captain Kaplan,

Stir 'em up!

See ya Saturday......

Dave Stump
Neil Gordon

Re: Cape Dory

Post by Neil Gordon »

>>Why is this called the California Cape Dory Association ? Most of the boats and people seem to be east coast.<<

You didn't hear about our upcoming Boston around the Horn to San Francisco Cruise?

Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167
Mark Yashinsky


Post by Mark Yashinsky »

How is N.T. Officer coloring the water (again???)??? Hope he's not trying to do it into the wind (again)???
Dave Potts

NE Fleet: Cruising with Zeal

Post by Dave Potts »

A friend of mine at work, an avid J-24 racer (<a href=>Fleet 43</a> based in Casco Bay, ME), often rolls his eyes at me when I update him on our latest banter, insisting that, as Cape Dory sailors, we are not racers. However, impressed with our tenacity on the subject, he has come to concede that we are "cruisers with zeal"!

Dave Potts
<a href= ... Andronikos, CD30C</a>
<font size=-1>(The countdown to Spring launch is down to 120 days - 4 months!)</font>
Warren Kaplan

Re: NE Fleet: Cruising with Zeal

Post by Warren Kaplan »

Dave Potts wrote: A friend of mine at work, an avid J-24 racer (<a href=>Fleet 43</a> based in Casco Bay, ME), often rolls his eyes at me when I update him on our latest banter, insisting that, as Cape Dory sailors, we are not racers. However, impressed with our tenacity on the subject, he has come to concede that we are "cruisers with zeal"!

Dave Potts
<a href= ... Andronikos, CD30C</a>
<font size=-1>(The countdown to Spring launch is down to 120 days - 4 months!)</font>
Rolls his eyes does he!?! Upstart J-24 sailor, mmm! He one of those guys that sails with a rule book and a protest flag I'll bet. Plenty of officials in powerboats trailing the race so everybody sails a goody two shoes race. Have him enter "The Race"....but tell him to leave his rule book at home to lighten his boat and tell him to forget the protest flag because it'll add drag to his boat if he flies it and there's nobody out there to see it or care about it. He'd be sailing against avowed pirates and cutthroats and you'd better tell him to keep his wet weather gear on even if the sun is out, 'cause he's liable to get a water balloon in the face when he changes tacks! We're sailing by Cape Dory rules here! HA!

Warren Kaplan
Sine Qua Non
Don Carr

Tell Mr. J/24 to come offshore

Post by Don Carr »

Don't forget the J24 has a rating of about 160+ which the larger CD's can beat. Oh by the way, I'll come offshore with my CD25 and probably do better depending on sea state. Something to be said for heavier boats.


Re: NE Fleet: Cruising with Zeal

Post by Jim »

I owned a J24 for 7 years and now own a CD25. On corrected time in most conditions a CD25 will beat a J24 in Canvas class. That said I do not feel that they sail as differently as your friend thinks! I am now sailing with my 4 and 7 year olds so I would far prefer the CD!
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