Looking for John R.

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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Zeida Cecilia-Mendez

Looking for John R.

Post by Zeida Cecilia-Mendez »

Hi, John... hope you and Seeker are both in good health... haven't heard from you in a long while. I lost my entire addressbook with all the e-mails and have not been able to communicate with you. Please drop me a line so we can restore contact. Bandolera will be going out of the water soon for maintenance. Hope to hear from you soon. Your friend,

John R.

Re: Looking for John R.

Post by John R. »

Zeida Cecilia-Mendez wrote: Hi, John... hope you and Seeker are both in good health... haven't heard from you in a long while. I lost my entire addressbook with all the e-mails and have not been able to communicate with you. Please drop me a line so we can restore contact. Bandolera will be going out of the water soon for maintenance. Hope to hear from you soon. Your friend,
Hi Zee !!!!!
All is well and the boat still floats. I'll drop you a mail. Been busy with the holidays and such. Haven't been on this board much lately, too busy.
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