lost ignition key for CD28

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Kevin O'Connor

lost ignition key for CD28

Post by Kevin O'Connor »

I have a 1980 CD/28 sloop, (ex bluebird) #274 and seem to have lost my ignition key. I was looking around and found that the owners before had writen some numbers on the cover of the instruction book and wonder if this might be a easy fix. key no.241525 is this any help with a replacement? and if so, who and where?

jack cothren

Re: lost ignition key for CD28

Post by jack cothren »

Kevin O'Connor wrote: I have a 1980 CD/28 sloop, (ex bluebird) #274 and seem to have lost my ignition key. I was looking around and found that the owners before had writen some numbers on the cover of the instruction book and wonder if this might be a easy fix. key no.241525 is this any help with a replacement? and if so, who and where?
i have my original key and it has 7 numbers (3#'s hyphen 4#'s) the replacement blank i found is a "Taylor V77". i did not have the key made by #'s but cut them from original...good luck

cd 28 KINGFISHER # 238


Re: lost ignition key for CD28

Post by len »


if you haven't already tried it, see if a small screwdriver will turn the ignition switch, they often get so sloppy the key doesn't really matter - if that doesn't work, you could bypass it and have a switch inside a cockpit locker - good luck


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