OK, its's a week from tomorrow.....

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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D. Stump, Hanalei

OK, its's a week from tomorrow.....

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »

To All Captains Commanding,

OK, it's a week from tomorrow and none of you have proposed an alternate course to be followed during the SECOND Cape Dory RACE! What's Up with THAT? ? ? Should I assume that you all AGREE with the Captain Commanding Hanalei?

Break out your uniforms, this is going to be SOME meeting on the 19th. next!

Yours Sir's, I remain.........your most HUMBLE servant........

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
Mike Thorpe

Re: OK, its's a week from tomorrow.....

Post by Mike Thorpe »

To All Captains Commanding and especially to
Capatain Stump (know as Stumpy to some),

I can stand by silently no longer! You have asked for a race course and I shall give you a race course. Dig out your charts, plot these coordinates, seek solace in the GROG of your choice and test your mettle against the TRUE #1.

Start: RW "CC" Mo (A) Bell (41 48.9N / 70 27.7W)

Rumb Line: 039 Degrees Magnetic

Leave RW "RP" Mo (A) Bell to Starboard
(42 04.9N / 70 16.8W)

Finsh Line: R "14M" FL R 4s WHIS (43 45.3N / 69 22.5W)
Leave it to port

What say ye Captains Commanding, are you ready to try and wrestle the crown from the true #1.

I await your response either here or on the 19th at Unk's On The Bay.

Captain Thorpe
CD-36 Journey's End,
Sail Captain CDSOA NE Fleet 2002 Maine Cruise,
The True #1 and Your Most Humble Servant

D. Stump, Hanalei wrote: To All Captains Commanding,
D. Stump, Hanalei wrote: OK, it's a week from tomorrow and none of you have proposed an alternate course to be followed during the SECOND Cape Dory RACE! What's Up with THAT? ? ? Should I assume that you all AGREE with the Captain Commanding Hanalei?

Break out your uniforms, this is going to be SOME meeting on the 19th. next!

Yours Sir's, I remain.........your most HUMBLE servant........

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C


Re: Start @ Cape Cod Canal and....

Post by Hanalei »

Captain Thorpe,

OK Captain, I start at the entrance to the Cape Cod Canal(MOA "CC"), head 039 degrees, to WHERE? Does 039 degrees take me right thru or very close to, ProvinceTown? I don't have the chart, and MapTech drove me crazy! How about place names of Start and Finish? And Sir, I think you have a great idea. A little open ocean racing will shake out the lubbers amoung 'em! This very well could be the "Third" race this summer next! Yours.........

Mike Thorpe

Re: Start @ Cape Cod Canal and....

Post by Mike Thorpe »

Captain Stump,

For your edification, RW RP Mo (A) Bell which shuld be left to starboard is the Bell off of Race Point, Provincetown, MA. The finish line, R 14M FL R4s Whis is the Whistle off the SE tip of Monhegan Island, ME. From there sir we would proceed NW to Tenants Harbor.

What say ye sir?

Captain Thorpe
Current custodian of the s/v Journey's End
Hanalei wrote: Captain Thorpe,

OK Captain, I start at the entrance to the Cape Cod Canal(MOA "CC"), head 039 degrees, to WHERE? Does 039 degrees take me right thru or very close to, ProvinceTown? I don't have the chart, and MapTech drove me crazy! How about place names of Start and Finish? And Sir, I think you have a great idea. A little open ocean racing will shake out the lubbers amoung 'em! This very well could be the "Third" race this summer next! Yours.........


Ed Haley

Re: OK, its's a week from tomorrow.....

Post by Ed Haley »

I like Mike's idea of a race since it involves cruising from one point to another instead of a circuit race. IMHO, most of us would like to visit as many places as possible during the CDSOA rendezvous. If this race does, in fact, become the Race #3 of the summer, it is an adventurous route for some of us not normally exposed to offshore sailing.


Re: Captain Thorpe....

Post by Hanalei »

Captain Thorpe,

The challenge is well stated, there is a chance, slim, but a chance, that Hanalei may very well race you to MoA RP, Race Point off Provincetown. I intend to take my first to the Stellwagon Bank to view the whales, howsoever, we will probably not have the V time to go all the way to Monhegan. It could be as glorius a day as that off the Nile, even so!!!

Yours, and thank you for the edification.............I remain.....
your most HUMBLE.......servant............

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei

Re: Arg, Matey, and won't it bring tears...

Post by Hanalei »

Captain Haley,

To ya eyes!

Captain Thorpe may confirm this, as I don't have my chart here at the C., but I believe the farthest to sea you will be on a course from Provincetown to Monhegan is about 60 miles! Ever seen a 30' Catalina go from motor sailing hard to weather almost straight up to touching the main boom in the sea in about 2 seconds. Did that with a Cat. we were moving to Bar Harbour one night, got caught in a white(black, as it was night) squall, thunder, lightning and wind like you wouldn't believe and over we went! Blew the main into 4 rags from luff to leach! Had never seen anything like THAT before! Don't need to do it again anytime soon either!

But, Captain Thorpe is correct, it could be a glorius race!

Ed Haley

Re: Arg, Matey, and won't it bring tears...

Post by Ed Haley »

Captain Stump:
Aye, you're at it again! Trying to scare off a competitor are ya and a fast one at that!

Can't say that I've been where you describe. The last race we were in on Lake Ontario blew in from the northwest like a tiger. The fleet was scattered and we lost ground in the race. We double-winched the sheets and brought her so close to weather that we got headed. As we came around we got hit with a monster wave that turned us upside down and put us on the bottom in 65 feet of water. Lucky for us the cyrrent was going in the same direction as the rhumb line so we put up the spinnaker and bounced around on the bottom until we got to shallow water. When the sails rose out of the water, the winds accelerated us again and we continued the race. We finished second but we were given the "Down-Under" trophy for the first vessel to successfully race upwind with downwind sails.

The race was sanctioned by the Law Firm of Howe, Cheetum and Wynne. I heard from others that you do business with them.

See you at UNK's!
Ed Haley

Mike Thorpe

Re: OK, its's a week from tomorrow.....

Post by Mike Thorpe »

Captain Haley and all other interested parties,

I agree with you, a race to another port is much more satisfying than aimlessly rounding a series of marks. Please join us sir, both in the planning and sailing to Maine. The first will be done after lunch at Unk's on the 19th and the later where the water is blue.

Captain Stump is correct; 60 miles max offshore which guarantees a beautiful sunset, sunrise and stars like you have never seen them before. Whales and dolphins too. See the article on the CDSOA website written by Merrie Bergmann describing last year's cruise.

Finally, thank you for responding to Captain Stump's (Stumpy to some) description of his delivery experience. I would have responded myself except I was too busy deep sixing my seaboots and hoping to save my foul weather pants. If you will excuse me now I still have to wash the offal out the scuppers.

Captain Thorpe
current custodian of the s/v Journey's End
and the TRUE #1

Ed Haley wrote: I like Mike's idea of a race since it involves cruising from one point to another instead of a circuit race. IMHO, most of us would like to visit as many places as possible during the CDSOA rendezvous. If this race does, in fact, become the Race #3 of the summer, it is an adventurous route for some of us not normally exposed to offshore sailing.

Mike Thorpe

Challenge accepted

Post by Mike Thorpe »

Captain Stump,

I look forward to leading you to Mo A RP. Stellwagon Bank is a little off my downeast rumb line but there are whales there and I wish you the same luck we had on our return from Maine last year. If you haven't already see Merrie Bergmanns story on the CDSOA website describing last years Maine cruise then check it out.

Captain Thorpe
s/v Journey's End
The TRUE #1
Hanalei wrote: Captain Thorpe,

The challenge is well stated, there is a chance, slim, but a chance, that Hanalei may very well race you to MoA RP, Race Point off Provincetown. I intend to take my first to the Stellwagon Bank to view the whales, howsoever, we will probably not have the V time to go all the way to Monhegan. It could be as glorius a day as that off the Nile, even so!!!

Yours, and thank you for the edification.............I remain.....
your most HUMBLE.......servant............

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei

Don Carr

126.1 Nautical Miles

Post by Don Carr »

Not a bad course assuming good winds. BTW..time limit???. One could save about 30 nm by keeping RW "RP" Mo(A) to staboard about 15 miles.
Suggest you have the fleet round to port.
Sounds like a winner. We'll see if Capt Stump can sail as fast at night. Running lights out.


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