NE Fleet Winter Mtg: Road Map to Unc's (from I-95)

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Joel Silverberg

NE Fleet Winter Mtg: Road Map to Unc's (from I-95)

Post by Joel Silverberg »

Attached is Navigational Chart for passage from I-95 to Unc's Restaurant. Fair winds to all. Look forward to seeing all of you at the meeting. (posted per suggestion of Capt Leo MacDonald)

Captain Joel
s/v Baraka
CD-27 #44
Narragansett Bay, RI

Mark Yashinsky

Can we get this as a downloadable route file for a GPS???

Post by Mark Yashinsky »

Just kidding....
Leo MacDonald

Great Road Map to Unc's

Post by Leo MacDonald »

Thanks Capt. Joel.

Your effort is appreciated and a h___ of a lot better than what I could do :-)

Fair Winds,

Re: I can help ya...........

Post by Hanalei »

Capt'n Yashinksky,

Head North on I-95, when ya runs out of I-95, ya are there! Just kiddin' ! ! Go to Niantic, CT and ask anyone where Unk's is!

Hey, ARE ya a goin" to be at the meetin'? ? There are a few of us that would like to identify ya with a FACE! Will help in figurin' out who ya are durin' the RACE! ! !( And allow proper targeting of weapons!)

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
Mark Yashinsky

Re: I can help ya...........

Post by Mark Yashinsky »

Aint Captain, remember. At least you didnt say something about the second star to the left (port) and on till dawn. And as for the face, you did say something about being in costumes or drag or the like.
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