NE Fleet Winter Meeting - Attire

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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Leo MacDonald

NE Fleet Winter Meeting - Attire

Post by Leo MacDonald »

All NE Fleet / CDSOA attending the NE Fleet Winter Meeting,

For the Winter Meeting:
Any and all wearing of the 1700 period nautical attire (Colonial Navy, Royal Navy, Merchant, Pirate, etc., etc.) is deemed appropriate and acceptable (and may even be awarded a prize.)

For the Oncoming Fleet Captains Reception:
Any and all wearing of the 1700 period nautical attire (Colonial Navy, Royal Navy, Merchant, Pirate, etc., etc.) is highly ENCOURAGED!!

#1 should have his outfit already :-)

Leo MacDonald
NE Fleet Captain, CDSOA, Inc
S/V Evening Light, CD33 #38

Re: 10 days to go, an don't ya know...

Post by Hanalei »

Captain MacDonald,

Arg Mate, and don't ya know that I have not seen one other proposal placed on the web for an alternate racing course! Maybe the vote and discussion about this event will be much easier to reach an agreement on than I ever thought! I would hope that participants bring marked up charts to the meeting to aid discussion. I know the Captain Commanding Hanalei WILL have a chart there!

Yes Sir, I do believe there will be a PIRATE in attendance at both the meeting and at the reception(fully armed and dangerous!). I wonder if "unidentified" participants will also appear??? If they are in costume, will we ever be able to identify them???

Your HUMBLE servant Sir, I remain......

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
Nautical Traditions Officer

New sails to shortly be placed on order!
Michael Heintz- Macht Nic

Re: NE Fleet Winter Meeting - Attire

Post by Michael Heintz- Macht Nic »

I don't think Captain Stump ( Known as Stumpy to some), needs to change into a costume. From what I hear he sleeps in his Pirate attire, goes to work in them, and sits in the yard talking to the hardbound Hanalei. Poor guy, this whole thing has really gone to his head. Imagine his first mate. WHAT SHE HAS TO LIVE WITH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Michael Heintz
Sitting in the high desert of New Mexico
Nowhere near a body of water and wondering if he really wants to go home.
Michael Heintz- Macht Nic

Re: NE Fleet Winter Meeting - Attire

Post by Michael Heintz- Macht Nic »

I don't think Captain Stump ( Known as Stumpy to some), needs to change into a costume. From what I hear he sleeps in his Pirate attire, goes to work in them, and sits in the yard talking to the hardbound Hanalei. Poor guy, this whole thing has really gone to his head. Imagine his first mate. WHAT SHE HAS TO LIVE WITH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Michael Heintz
Sitting in the high desert of New Mexico
Nowhere near a body of water and wondering if he really wants to go home.
Larry DeMers

Re: 10 days to go, an don't ya know...

Post by Larry DeMers »

Captain Stump and all contestors of the reveered #1 CDSOA title,

We who, by happenstance or design, will be absent this gathering, wishing it were otherwise, would ***Really**** appreciate it if someone would deign to commit this gathering to film or disc, and share the spoils with the whole group. Indeed I find myself now wondering how to relocate to the east coast..for this occasion only you understand.heh. Would love to take part in this race. Anyone want to come up to Lake Superior for a race this summer? heh..Capt' Stump, have you a trailer?

You folks seem to be having **way** too much fun!! ;^)


Cap't. DeMers
s/v DeLaMer
Hanalei wrote: Captain MacDonald,

Arg Mate, and don't ya know that I have not seen one other proposal placed on the web for an alternate racing course! Maybe the vote and discussion about this event will be much easier to reach an agreement on than I ever thought! I would hope that participants bring marked up charts to the meeting to aid discussion. I know the Captain Commanding Hanalei WILL have a chart there!

Yes Sir, I do believe there will be a PIRATE in attendance at both the meeting and at the reception(fully armed and dangerous!). I wonder if "unidentified" participants will also appear??? If they are in costume, will we ever be able to identify them???

Your HUMBLE servant Sir, I remain......

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
Nautical Traditions Officer

New sails to shortly be placed on order!
Warren Kaplan

Re: 10 days to go, an don't ya know...

Post by Warren Kaplan »

Larry DeMers wrote: Captain Stump and all contestors of the reveered #1 CDSOA title,

We who, by happenstance or design, will be absent this gathering, wishing it were otherwise, would ***Really**** appreciate it if someone would deign to commit this gathering to film or disc, and share the spoils with the whole group. Indeed I find myself now wondering how to relocate to the east coast..for this occasion only you understand.heh. Would love to take part in this race. Anyone want to come up to Lake Superior for a race this summer? heh..Capt' Stump, have you a trailer?

You folks seem to be having **way** too much fun!! ;^)


Cap't. DeMers
s/v DeLaMer
Should you venture East, even for a short visit, you have a place of honor aboard Sine Qua Non. I suspect a few dozen other CD captains around here would extend to you the same courtesy.
As for the "race", Capt Stump shows great tenacity in pushing for his aforementioned race course. I, for one, prefer Western L.I. Sound. The battle for the course will be joined on January 19th, and the battlefield is Unk's On The Bay, in Waterford Connecticut. You won't need a disc for this. It could make the 6 o'clock news coast to coast. The pirate captain Stump has pushed this to the very brink of war! As such, I am guided by the following philosophy;
"When the blast of war blows in our ears,
Imitate the action of the tiger.
Stiffen the sinew, summon up the blood..."
(W. Shakespeare, Henry V)
Ah yes! A battle to rival the one at Agincourt, although not on St. Crispian's Day!

Warren Kaplan...adrenaline rising!
Sine Qua Non
Will W.

Has anyone checked that hull?

Post by Will W. »

Pirates in the old days used all types of deception. Imagine what is available to the modern day pirate with all the technological advances we enjoy. Has anyone seen Hanalei sailing with the crew on deck? If not they could be below cranking a paddle wheel or using some other foul device of the modern age.
In response to a post earlier, no, Senator Stumpy, I will not be in attendance on the 16th. It is only through the wonders of the internet that I can harrass you from afar. However, like Larry, I am thoughouly intrigued by the entire NE Fleet and would love to be in attendance. You definatly seem to be having too much fun up there. Who knows maybe I should try to drive up, Washington is only about 6 hours drive from the meeting. Plus I have been spending way to much time on my boat which is currently on the hard in a marina that is completely frozen
I am naming Capt. Stump " Senator Stumpy " as recognition for his ability to attck and backpedal, create havoc and appear to be the solution all at the same time. I always knew my congress people were pirates. I just didn't know they were interchageable.

Will Wheatley, dry sailing through winter
Suzi Q
Hanalei wrote: Captain MacDonald,

Arg Mate, and don't ya know that I have not seen one other proposal placed on the web for an alternate racing course! Maybe the vote and discussion about this event will be much easier to reach an agreement on than I ever thought! I would hope that participants bring marked up charts to the meeting to aid discussion. I know the Captain Commanding Hanalei WILL have a chart there!

Yes Sir, I do believe there will be a PIRATE in attendance at both the meeting and at the reception(fully armed and dangerous!). I wonder if "unidentified" participants will also appear??? If they are in costume, will we ever be able to identify them???

Your HUMBLE servant Sir, I remain......

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
Nautical Traditions Officer

New sails to shortly be placed on order!
Mark Yashinsky


Post by Mark Yashinsky »

Perhaps the local garrison should be alerted that a PIRATE will be sneaking around??? Is there a bounty on his head (and will his pirate boat be part of the spoils to those who capture him)??? Hmmm
Allen Evans

Think pirates are fun? Try Ground Hogs!

Post by Allen Evans »

Will -
A few of us from the Chesapeake Fleet are going to Unk's Tavern on the 19th to scout out this seditious NE group. Our letters of marque (and reprisal) have been issued, and at this very moment the boats are being polished and rigged to fly as the Chesapeake bugeyes of old.

The scouting party will report back at the Chesapeake Fleet Ground Hog Day Extravaganza in Solomons on February 9. (See details on the CDSOA web site under "News" or "Events".) Plans will be laid for a Chesapeake flotilla to attend this "NE Summer Race" and lay claim to fly the No. 1!

Hope you can join us on the Ninth.

Allen Evans
Whisper, CD 36
Fleet Captain, Chesapeake CDSOA
Vice-Admiral of the White, CSA
Bob Loewenstein

Re: 10 days to go, an don't ya know...

Post by Bob Loewenstein »


You should just do what we do: commute to the east coast four or five times a season. From Wisconsin, at least southern Wisconsin, it's only 12 hours or so to the Chesapeake. (However, that's to sail, not to attend these rowdy ...oh yes, I've seen the photos and heard the stories..."meetings").

Larry DeMers wrote: Indeed I find myself now wondering how to relocate to the east coast..for this occasion only you understand.heh.
Nautical Traditions Offic

Re: Arg, and ain't ya all welcome aboard...

Post by Nautical Traditions Offic »

Captain Evans,

Honored Sir, and the NE Fleet will welcome all vagabond sailors from the Chesapeake Fleet to Unk's tavern on the 19th. next. Let's see, if I remember my history correctly, the first uniform of the Continental Navy included "buckskins" and whatever other daily wear a prospective sailor possesed. Will you all be "dressing" for the affair? The NE Fleet Captain has required and commanded that uniforms are appropriate! There has been some talk about someone being present with a camera, so thought is required!

I do believe, and am not sure if you can supply such a person, but the New England Fleet has never had a properly dressed (or maybe undressed!) DOXY in attendance! I asked my first to dress in such an outrageous fashion for the meeting on the Island of Adrian Block last year, but she obsolutely refused! Oh, well, just a thought.

And Sir, you are cordially invited to participate in the "RACE" this summer next. We (Hanalei)would be honored to give ya and your crew a real lesson at sea! ! I remain Sir........your most Humble servant.....

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
Nautical Traditions Officer
Allen Evans

Re: Arg, and ain't ya all welcome aboard...

Post by Allen Evans »

Captain Stump,

Aye, and 'tis a grand gentleman ye are to extend kind invitation and hospitality to such as I. I'm humbled and honored. The Commodores and I look forward to splicing the main brace with the merry crew of the NE Fleet on the 19th instant.


Allen Evans
s/v Whisper, CD36
Fleet Captain, Chesapeake
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