2001 Maine Cruise

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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Mike Thorpe

2001 Maine Cruise

Post by Mike Thorpe »

The dates have been set (Aug. 10-25) for the CDSOA NE Fleet Cruise to Maine. Two raft ups, a rendevouz, lobster bake and maybe a race are in the plans. The final details will be worked out at the January 19th NE Fleet Winter Meeting. Join us, get involved and help put together our second annual trip down east!

Mike Thorpe
Sail Captain
2002 Maine Cruise

ross and sandra

Re: 2001 Maine Cruise

Post by ross and sandra »

Oh darn! We always take the week that is the end of July/beginning of August because our daycare is closed anyway!! We were hoping to cross paths for part of it with the cruise. So, we will have just come back. However, we are in Falmouth, ME (Casco Bay) so please get in touch as you all get closer. We'd like to meet some of our fellow Cape Dory friends!!

Ross and Sandra Williams

Dave Potts

2001 Maine mini-Cruises

Post by Dave Potts »


In addition to the full blown Maine Cruise, we are also hoping to arrange a few weekend get togethers, such as Saturday PM raft-ups at Snow Island or some such. I would like to hold at least two, one early on in the season ~June and near the end ~September. I too am based in Falmouth (~3rd boat due south of the daymarker) and there must be at least a couple dozen other CD's kept at various places in Casco Bay (we could even all band together and participate in PYC's Thursday Night races so we can beat the sh%^ out of the rest of the fleet, should they ever be so foolish to come and challenge us!).

Dave Potts
Asst Recruiting Officer
<a href=http://home.maine.rr.com/andronikos/index.html> Andronikos, CD30C</a>

ross and sandra wrote: Oh darn! We always take the week that is the end of July/beginning of August because our daycare is closed anyway!! We were hoping to cross paths for part of it with the cruise. So, we will have just come back. However, we are in Falmouth, ME (Casco Bay) so please get in touch as you all get closer. We'd like to meet some of our fellow Cape Dory friends!!

Ross and Sandra Williams

sandra and ross

Re: 2001 Maine mini-Cruises

Post by sandra and ross »

Sounds great, just keep us filled in. We are 10 o'clock off the dock. Feel free to swing by anytime, well anytime after May that is!! As for now, we are at the Royal River Boat yard. Yeah, we've checked out quite a few CD's in Falmouth. Nice thing is we always say, what a beautiful boat.... and then we remember we have one!! Love them!!

Soooo, another question, was looking at Boat US site a few weeks back and thought I saw your name on the prize list, was that you??? Ha! Just jealous of anyone with more boat toys!!

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