typhoon cockpit sole repair

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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typhoon cockpit sole repair

Post by Eric »

I have an early "70's typhoon day sailor. The cockpit sole seems a bit spongy. Anyone have experience fixing a similar problem? Any suggestions welcome.

Serge Zimberoff

Re: typhoon cockpit sole repair

Post by Serge Zimberoff »

Per Bill Renneker 3/17/99, ...'pick up a copy of Don Casey's book, "Sailboat Hull & Deck Repair". Excellent section on this problem'. Also see related post by Bill Bloxham 12/2/98.
Serge Zimberoff
Typhoon #1700
'Cloning Around'

Clay Stalker

Re: typhoon cockpit sole repair

Post by Clay Stalker »

Eric wrote: I have an early "70's typhoon day sailor. The cockpit sole seems a bit spongy. Anyone have experience fixing a similar problem? Any suggestions welcome.

Spongy cockpit soles seem to be a common problem with Cape Dorys...many of the ones I looked at when shopping for my boat definately had some problems...I'm told that they didn't adequately seal the hole through the cockpit when installing the rudder post to the tiller. Over time, water migrates through the balsa and impacts the strength of the sole. The previous owner of "Salsa" did a nice job of cutting out the top layer, removing the soggy balsa, and recoring and reglassing, using a teak floor that is intregal to the structure...he had help from a guy who works at Lyman Morse Boatbuilding in Maine. I never could have done as well. However, I would suggest you read Casey's stuff and try it...I suspect many of the folks on this site have done something to alleviate this situation, and some should be able to give you sound suggestions. Good luck!

Clay Stalker
CD27 Salsa #247
Bristol Harbor, Rhode Island

john doyle

Re: typhoon cockpit sole repair

Post by john doyle »

Serge Zimberoff wrote: Eric,
Per Bill Renneker 3/17/99, ...'pick up a copy of Don Casey's book, "Sailboat Hull & Deck Repair". Excellent section on this problem'. Also see related post by Bill Bloxham 12/2/98.
Serge Zimberoff
Typhoon #1700
'Cloning Around'
Also look at WEST epoxy as their instruction book gives a detailed description of the repair & done yourself is very inexpensive.
John CD31 #18 Bonnie Blue

Will W.

Re: typhoon cockpit sole repair

Post by Will W. »

Hi Eric
West System's web site has the instructions on it I think. The manual is only a couple bucks and it explains what to do. I just spent 5 hours today and 2or 3 yesterday prying the skin off most of my cockpit floor on my CD25. I think Larry told me that this is the worst part. At least I hope thats the case, cause the manual only hints at how tough getting the old skin and wet core out can be. I will put the link to West System down below. I will also post a question that I have about the core.

Will Wheatley
Suzi Q
Eric wrote: I have an early "70's typhoon day sailor. The cockpit sole seems a bit spongy. Anyone have experience fixing a similar problem? Any suggestions welcome.

Larry DeMers

Re: typhoon cockpit sole repair

Post by Larry DeMers »


How is the floor going? Have you taken any photos of the process so far?
I have bought some Web Site Software and I am working towards opening a public access web site to host all of these construction articles that you and everyone get involved with. It will need to have some photos and text describing what you did, what problems you ran into, suggestions etc. as well as a shot of the finished products.
Does this sound of use to you and everyone else? Please let me know before I throw a lot of time into this. (never had a web site up til this..I work with/on/in computers all day long,so it is one of the last things I want to play with when I get home).

Larry DeMers
s/v DeLaMer
Cape Dory 30

Will W. wrote: Hi Eric
West System's web site has the instructions on it I think. The manual is only a couple bucks and it explains what to do. I just spent 5 hours today and 2or 3 yesterday prying the skin off most of my cockpit floor on my CD25. I think Larry told me that this is the worst part. At least I hope thats the case, cause the manual only hints at how tough getting the old skin and wet core out can be. I will put the link to West System down below. I will also post a question that I have about the core.

Will Wheatley
Suzi Q
Eric wrote: I have an early "70's typhoon day sailor. The cockpit sole seems a bit spongy. Anyone have experience fixing a similar problem? Any suggestions welcome.


Re: typhoon cockpit sole repair

Post by Joel »


I think you have a great idea. I'll be doing some deck repairs this spring and (1) would greatly appreciate the help such a site would give and (2) will gladly contribute.

Joel Bondy
s/y Pokey II
73 Ty Weekender #549
Bayside, NY
Serge Zimberoff

Web pages for repair pics etc

Post by Serge Zimberoff »

Might also be a good place to put answers to things needing dimensions. Stuff like cockpit covers, cushions, etc that could have a picture and patterns with dimensions...
My feelings are that you would be in the 'hero' class if you do set this up. If it does grow and take on an ongoing role, and if it gets too bothersome maybe others of us could have access and just post stuff directly.
Just some thoughts...

Greg Phillips

Re: typhoon cockpit sole repair

Post by Greg Phillips »

Larry, I also think it would be a good idea to follow through with your idea about a repair/improvement link. The contributors to this board have a passion for finding the best solutions to the inevitable problems of boat construction and use. To have greater access to their talents would serve us all. For what its worth, I would be willing to contribute in any way that I can.
Greg Phillips
CD25 #469 Linda Lou

Joel wrote: 73 Ty Weekender #549
Bayside, NY

Larry DeMers

Re: typhoon cockpit sole repair

Post by Larry DeMers »

Well, I am trying to learn the ins and outs of HTML and web site creation in a fast lesson or three so that this can happen before I run out of time in a month or two. I too want to do this badly. It is really needed. My ISP has 1 Meg free..I am not sure how far that will go with this plan so the location of the site may indeed have to move eventually as we grow it.
Our family has had a complication over the past weekend..daughter, gave birth to little 4mn old boy..she/we didn't even know she was PG! Errrgh.


Larry DeMers

Greg Phillips wrote: Larry, I also think it would be a good idea to follow through with your idea about a repair/improvement link. The contributors to this board have a passion for finding the best solutions to the inevitable problems of boat construction and use. To have greater access to their talents would serve us all. For what its worth, I would be willing to contribute in any way that I can.
Greg Phillips
CD25 #469 Linda Lou

Joel wrote: 73 Ty Weekender #549
Bayside, NY

Larry DeMers

Re: Web pages for repair pics etc

Post by Larry DeMers »

Happy New Year Serge!,

...and good thoughts they are. THe tough part is just getting the HTML code done and in place. I have a start on it now, so we'll see how much time I have to work on it..Since seeing you last summer, we started a new restaurant..about 10x the size of our first one, so this is consuming time/money like a forest fire. We do see a small profit projected for next month so the pricing is at least set right.

I agree..this site will be everything Cape Dory or boat related eventually. Especially all construction projects and improvements that people document would be welcome there. At this time, I will not have room for travelogues and trip reports etc., until I can get a 10 meg site (without ads, thankyou). I want to start small and sneak up on whatever it will become in time.

As far as a direct upload facility to the site, I really want to keep control of what goes up on it, and how large the files are etc. We are very limited in free space. After 1 meg, I start paying in $10 increments. So I will encourage folks to up load to my home addr. and I will edit and sort for publication, send a review copy to the originator for apporval, then publish on the site.
Maintaining it will be the fun part..building it..arrrgh, now there's the rub.


Larry DeMers
s/v DeLaMer
Serge Zimberoff wrote: Larry,
Might also be a good place to put answers to things needing dimensions. Stuff like cockpit covers, cushions, etc that could have a picture and patterns with dimensions...
My feelings are that you would be in the 'hero' class if you do set this up. If it does grow and take on an ongoing role, and if it gets too bothersome maybe others of us could have access and just post stuff directly.
Just some thoughts...

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