Say Leo..Good Luck With This Meeting!!

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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Warren Kaplan

Say Leo..Good Luck With This Meeting!!

Post by Warren Kaplan »

I think the NE Fleet Meeting may require 2 days at Unk's!! THe 19th AND the 20th!! The jockeying for position over "The Race(s)" is sure to exhaust ALL the time you alotted on the 19th. From reading the character of the opinions on this subject, its easy to see we have no flannel-mouthed politicians in this fleet! If I get up to say my piece I'm gonna' wear a hockey helmet and a catcher's mask!
"Once more into the breach" (Henry V)

Warren Kaplan..who once thought Cape Dorys were for cruising!
Alas..I make many mistakes!
Leo MacDonald

NE Fleet Winter Meeting

Post by Leo MacDonald »

Hi Warren,

Good point - maybe we need a 'Fleet Master-at-Arms':-)

Also, all please note, we need those registration forms to finalize the head count. If you're coming, send it in!!

Fair Winds,
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