Refrigeration & Stoves

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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nancy martin

Refrigeration & Stoves

Post by nancy martin »

Anyone had any experience with the "Coolerator" as described on the web site Appears to be a fairly inexpensive method to cool down the icebox.

Also, just shipped our pressurized kerosene stove off to convert to propane by Tasco Stoves. Met them at the Annapolis boat show. Anyone had any work performed by them?

Nancy Martin
CD28, Hull #346 (for sale)
CD31, Hull #85 (not for sale)

Re: Refrigeration & Stoves

Post by greg »

we have a CD 31 hull#2,tasco converted our alcohol stove last winter and we have been very pleased. Not a bad deal if your stove is in good shape. Good luck.
s/v mistress
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