Fleet meeting .........the RACE ! ! !
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Fleet meeting .........the RACE ! ! !
To all Captains Commanding,
Since the month of July last, there has been considerable discussion on this site about the floggin' the fleet took, from the vessel Hanalei, durin' a certain race and contest to the Island of Adrian Block from the vicinity of the Napatree anchorage off Watch Hill, Rhode Island.
As Captain Commandin' the sailing vessel Hanalei, I have honorably listened, for many months, to the harangue of various Captains who would rest the honor of said victory at sea from the log of Hanalei. There has been so much discussion, that I must take all that has been said as a challenge to the honor of the skipper and the vessel Hanalei! I have Sirs, been "called out" to defend said honor! I feel that I have been scoured beyond all temperance, and expect satisfaction.
Let it be noted, that in days of old, when one was "called out", that person had the God given right to chose ones weapons and place wherein to defend said honor. With that tradition in mind, the Captain of Hanalei hereby chooses the course known infamously as the "Horseshoe Reef" course as that ground wherein the honor of Hanalei will be defended!
Of course, negotation could be appropriate, but only if the entire fleet were to withdraw and admit that Hanalei is the winner in 2002 WITHOUT spilling another drop at sea (or maybe safety concerns)! A man that would strike another, either verbally or physically, can have no objections! The choice of weapons, and the place, belongs to Hanalei, does it not?
I have raised this position on this 5th. day of January, year of our Lord 2002, because the entire New England Fleet will be called by the Bravo Flag and a signal cannon to the abode of Unk's Tavern, Waterford, CT to meet with Fleet Captain MacDonald on the 19th. of January to discuss said actions next July/August. This therein will allow said Captains in contention 14 days to consider the position of Hanalei.
My second Sirs, (actually 1st. Lieutenant) is the honorable Mrs. Carol Stump, who will be happy to discuss any arrangements you feel are necessary.
I shall await your comments Sirs.......I remain.......your most HUMBLE servant..........
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
Nautical Traditions Officer
P.S. Information concerning the Horseshoe Reef course can be found by searching the site under "Horseshoe Reef".
Since the month of July last, there has been considerable discussion on this site about the floggin' the fleet took, from the vessel Hanalei, durin' a certain race and contest to the Island of Adrian Block from the vicinity of the Napatree anchorage off Watch Hill, Rhode Island.
As Captain Commandin' the sailing vessel Hanalei, I have honorably listened, for many months, to the harangue of various Captains who would rest the honor of said victory at sea from the log of Hanalei. There has been so much discussion, that I must take all that has been said as a challenge to the honor of the skipper and the vessel Hanalei! I have Sirs, been "called out" to defend said honor! I feel that I have been scoured beyond all temperance, and expect satisfaction.
Let it be noted, that in days of old, when one was "called out", that person had the God given right to chose ones weapons and place wherein to defend said honor. With that tradition in mind, the Captain of Hanalei hereby chooses the course known infamously as the "Horseshoe Reef" course as that ground wherein the honor of Hanalei will be defended!
Of course, negotation could be appropriate, but only if the entire fleet were to withdraw and admit that Hanalei is the winner in 2002 WITHOUT spilling another drop at sea (or maybe safety concerns)! A man that would strike another, either verbally or physically, can have no objections! The choice of weapons, and the place, belongs to Hanalei, does it not?
I have raised this position on this 5th. day of January, year of our Lord 2002, because the entire New England Fleet will be called by the Bravo Flag and a signal cannon to the abode of Unk's Tavern, Waterford, CT to meet with Fleet Captain MacDonald on the 19th. of January to discuss said actions next July/August. This therein will allow said Captains in contention 14 days to consider the position of Hanalei.
My second Sirs, (actually 1st. Lieutenant) is the honorable Mrs. Carol Stump, who will be happy to discuss any arrangements you feel are necessary.
I shall await your comments Sirs.......I remain.......your most HUMBLE servant..........
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
Nautical Traditions Officer
P.S. Information concerning the Horseshoe Reef course can be found by searching the site under "Horseshoe Reef".
Re: Shameless Lobbying! ! !
Honorable Captains,
I fear that captain Stump, in a shameless effort to hold this years race on home waters, is purposefully confusing the right to demand satisfaction with the race and any challenges.
While the much maligned Capt. Stump may have a legitamite claim that he deserves satisfaction from some captains. I cannot recall that this tradition of being called out ever gave the insulted party the right to choose location. Secondly, this tradition regardless of the weapons and territory is supposed to be a duel. Capt. Stump in a sneaky attempt to gain favorable seas for the defense of the Cup, has tried to convince us that the entire fleet is the offending person and that instead of a duel with each offender separatly as trdition would dictate, he wants all other boats in said race to behave as one offending body and concurrently hopes that by convincing us of this that he should be given an advantage of home waters for this years race.
My responce is simple," Send That Man To Washington ". This is one of the finest attempts to "spin" the facts I have seen. Like all good con jobs, there is just enough truth to make the rest seem logical. That is one crafty pirate. Captains beware!
Will Wheatley
Suzi Q
I fear that captain Stump, in a shameless effort to hold this years race on home waters, is purposefully confusing the right to demand satisfaction with the race and any challenges.
While the much maligned Capt. Stump may have a legitamite claim that he deserves satisfaction from some captains. I cannot recall that this tradition of being called out ever gave the insulted party the right to choose location. Secondly, this tradition regardless of the weapons and territory is supposed to be a duel. Capt. Stump in a sneaky attempt to gain favorable seas for the defense of the Cup, has tried to convince us that the entire fleet is the offending person and that instead of a duel with each offender separatly as trdition would dictate, he wants all other boats in said race to behave as one offending body and concurrently hopes that by convincing us of this that he should be given an advantage of home waters for this years race.
My responce is simple," Send That Man To Washington ". This is one of the finest attempts to "spin" the facts I have seen. Like all good con jobs, there is just enough truth to make the rest seem logical. That is one crafty pirate. Captains beware!
Will Wheatley
Suzi Q
Nautical Traditions Officer wrote: To all Captains Commanding,
Since the month of July last, there has been considerable discussion on this site about the floggin' the fleet took, from the vessel Hanalei, durin' a certain race and contest to the Island of Adrian Block from the vicinity of the Napatree anchorage off Watch Hill, Rhode Island.
As Captain Commandin' the sailing vessel Hanalei, I have honorably listened, for many months, to the harangue of various Captains who would rest the honor of said victory at sea from the log of Hanalei. There has been so much discussion, that I must take all that has been said as a challenge to the honor of the skipper and the vessel Hanalei! I have Sirs, been "called out" to defend said honor! I feel that I have been scoured beyond all temperance, and expect satisfaction.
Let it be noted, that in days of old, when one was "called out", that person had the God given right to chose ones weapons and place wherein to defend said honor. With that tradition in mind, the Captain of Hanalei hereby chooses the course known infamously as the "Horseshoe Reef" course as that ground wherein the honor of Hanalei will be defended!
Of course, negotation could be appropriate, but only if the entire fleet were to withdraw and admit that Hanalei is the winner in 2002 WITHOUT spilling another drop at sea (or maybe safety concerns)! A man that would strike another, either verbally or physically, can have no objections! The choice of weapons, and the place, belongs to Hanalei, does it not?
I have raised this position on this 5th. day of January, year of our Lord 2002, because the entire New England Fleet will be called by the Bravo Flag and a signal cannon to the abode of Unk's Tavern, Waterford, CT to meet with Fleet Captain MacDonald on the 19th. of January to discuss said actions next July/August. This therein will allow said Captains in contention 14 days to consider the position of Hanalei.
My second Sirs, (actually 1st. Lieutenant) is the honorable Mrs. Carol Stump, who will be happy to discuss any arrangements you feel are necessary.
I shall await your comments Sirs.......I remain.......your most HUMBLE servant..........
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
Nautical Traditions Officer
P.S. Information concerning the Horseshoe Reef course can be found by searching the site under "Horseshoe Reef".
Re: Fleet meeting .........the RACE ! ! !
The Horseshoe Reef Course, is it? Home field advantage. No doubt you know that course as well as you know the veins in your hand. No doubt the night before the race you'll be out laying mines along the rhumb lines between the marks. You, of course, will sail Hanalei on an unexplainable circuitous route around the marks avoiding the TNT just below the waves. Unexplainable until the competition, one by one, retires from the race "with a bang". A sinister and diabolical plot worthy of Sherlock Holmes' archvillian Dr. Moriarty! Perhaps the NE Fleet could entice the nearby Coast Guard Academy in New London to deploy a minesweeper just prior to the race!
Warren Kaplan
Commanding the soon to be armor plated Sine Qua Non
CD27 #166
Warren Kaplan
Commanding the soon to be armor plated Sine Qua Non
CD27 #166
Statement on the Impending Duel
Have I not been warning you of this dreaded Pirate Captain Stump (know as Stumpy to some). And who has listened to the "harangue"? We The Honorable Captains of the Board.
And now he quotes from the "Code Duello" ? Is this akin to the great duel of July 11,1804 between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton know as "the interview at Weehawken"? Or perhaps more like "The Gunfight at the O.K. Corral" or by chance have you been watching "High Noon"?
"O Burr, O Burr, what has thou done?
Thou has shooted dead great Hamilton,
You hid behind a bunch of thistle,
And shooted him dead with a great hoss pistol."
Now he will want to weave the "language of deniability" "so that all participants can subsequently claim ignorance if ever brought to court"
Of course history could repeat itself, Burr, once deposed of the great Hamilton, had to leave town, and was never able to rebuild his reputation.
Captain Stump, if you insist to defend your honor, ( although you actually being called out may be more a figment of your imagination), and you insist to follow the "code duello", and choose weapon and place, then so be it!!!!!!
I will say this however....SIR...That if you do so choose your course the "infamous Horseshoe Reef Course" THAN YOU SIR SHALL BE "RACE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN" for no other chairman would allow this to happen ( and the fact is we have NO chairman
) So I Sir accept your terms, if and only if you accept this lonely chair. ( Besides....think of the havoc you can create)
I remain......YOUR most HUMBLE servant......
We will discuss terms at Unk's Tavern 19 January 2002.
Michael Heintz
Captain Commanding
Macht Nichts
CD 30 MK II Racing Sloop (she's like a loaded gun)
Have I not been warning you of this dreaded Pirate Captain Stump (know as Stumpy to some). And who has listened to the "harangue"? We The Honorable Captains of the Board.
And now he quotes from the "Code Duello" ? Is this akin to the great duel of July 11,1804 between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton know as "the interview at Weehawken"? Or perhaps more like "The Gunfight at the O.K. Corral" or by chance have you been watching "High Noon"?
"O Burr, O Burr, what has thou done?
Thou has shooted dead great Hamilton,
You hid behind a bunch of thistle,
And shooted him dead with a great hoss pistol."
Now he will want to weave the "language of deniability" "so that all participants can subsequently claim ignorance if ever brought to court"
Of course history could repeat itself, Burr, once deposed of the great Hamilton, had to leave town, and was never able to rebuild his reputation.
Captain Stump, if you insist to defend your honor, ( although you actually being called out may be more a figment of your imagination), and you insist to follow the "code duello", and choose weapon and place, then so be it!!!!!!
I will say this however....SIR...That if you do so choose your course the "infamous Horseshoe Reef Course" THAN YOU SIR SHALL BE "RACE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN" for no other chairman would allow this to happen ( and the fact is we have NO chairman

I remain......YOUR most HUMBLE servant......
We will discuss terms at Unk's Tavern 19 January 2002.
Michael Heintz
Captain Commanding
Macht Nichts
CD 30 MK II Racing Sloop (she's like a loaded gun)
Captain Stump..Race Committee Chairman!
Captain Heintz,Michael Heintz wrote: I will say this however....SIR...That if you do so choose your course the "infamous Horseshoe Reef Course" THAN YOU SIR SHALL BE "RACE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN"
I remain......YOUR most HUMBLE servant......
We will discuss terms at Unk's Tavern 19 January 2002.
Michael Heintz
Captain Commanding
Macht Nichts
Your position is eloquently put. Great prose and poetry alike. May I suggest an analogy with some literary history. Captain Stump as Race Committee Chairman is akin to the fox guarding the chickenhouse! Captain Heintz, although this be madness there's method in it! Perhaps we should let Capt Stump have his desired course. Let him be chairman. Then when he is trounced in the race, his humiliation will be deeper and his fall from the lofty pedestal he has placed himself upon will be much greater. Hmmm. Not a bad ending, that! So the chess game continues!
Warren Kaplan...ready to sail anywhere!!!
Sine Qua Non
Michael Heintz wrote: CD 30 MK II Racing Sloop (she's like a loaded gun)
Re: Shameless Lobbying! ! !
Capt. Wheatley has seen thru another of Capt. Stump's (aka Stumpy) twisted tales. Does anyone disagree that the Hanalei won The 2001 Race??? If no one disagrees, then where is this insult that demands satisfaction (and basicily gives the henhouse keys to the fox).
Re: OK, if my 1st. Statement didn't do it.....
Captains Commanding,
Well, I was really just trying to start a discussion about WHERE the race should take place, and give everyone a chance to review one option and express their opinion. Really, I was not trying to gain an unfair advantage! Hanalei, the fine sailing vessel that she is, doesn't need nor require THAT!
Has anyone else plotted a potential course? Are you ready to present it at the meeting?
I have to go, must contact Mack sails and discuss the brandy new mains'l and flying jib! ! ! I remain......your most HUMBLE......
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
Nautical Traditions Officer
Well, I was really just trying to start a discussion about WHERE the race should take place, and give everyone a chance to review one option and express their opinion. Really, I was not trying to gain an unfair advantage! Hanalei, the fine sailing vessel that she is, doesn't need nor require THAT!
Has anyone else plotted a potential course? Are you ready to present it at the meeting?
I have to go, must contact Mack sails and discuss the brandy new mains'l and flying jib! ! ! I remain......your most HUMBLE......
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
Nautical Traditions Officer
More like your 3rd paragraph...
Then what was this statement, in your original post???
"Let it be noted, that in days of old, when one was "called out", that person had the God given right to chose ones weapons and place wherein to defend said honor. With that tradition in mind, the Captain of Hanalei hereby chooses the course known infamously as the "Horseshoe Reef" course as that ground wherein the honor of Hanalei will be defended!"
Sure sounds like you are taking it upon yourself to DECIDE and not SUGGEST the racecourse. BTW, this assumes that you are the Captain of the Hanalei, as only the vessel was named and not the Captain.
"Let it be noted, that in days of old, when one was "called out", that person had the God given right to chose ones weapons and place wherein to defend said honor. With that tradition in mind, the Captain of Hanalei hereby chooses the course known infamously as the "Horseshoe Reef" course as that ground wherein the honor of Hanalei will be defended!"
Sure sounds like you are taking it upon yourself to DECIDE and not SUGGEST the racecourse. BTW, this assumes that you are the Captain of the Hanalei, as only the vessel was named and not the Captain.
Before everybody gets too excited...
Before everybody gets too excited about "The Race" it should be known that the event organizers will be meeting at the Winter Meeting in Niantic, CT. At that meeting, the committees will decide when, where, etc.
As things stand at the moment, there is the possibility of TWO races this year: one during the activities on western LIS and one during the activities on eastern LIS.
Whoever wins either race will have the honor of flying #1. That's two #1s gang -- unless of course Captain Stump, or otherwise, wins both races.
None of the above is yet written in stone, not until the Winter Meeting will The Race(s) and their location(s) be decided by the committees.
Who knows, after the meeting, we may be back to eastern LIS and with only one race in the offing.
CD32 Realization, #3
Northeast Fleet Secretary, CDSOA, Inc.
As things stand at the moment, there is the possibility of TWO races this year: one during the activities on western LIS and one during the activities on eastern LIS.
Whoever wins either race will have the honor of flying #1. That's two #1s gang -- unless of course Captain Stump, or otherwise, wins both races.
None of the above is yet written in stone, not until the Winter Meeting will The Race(s) and their location(s) be decided by the committees.
Who knows, after the meeting, we may be back to eastern LIS and with only one race in the offing.
CD32 Realization, #3
Northeast Fleet Secretary, CDSOA, Inc.
Nautical Traditions Officer wrote: To all Captains Commanding,
Since the month of July last, there has been considerable discussion on this site about the floggin' the fleet took, from the vessel Hanalei, durin' a certain race and contest to the Island of Adrian Block from the vicinity of the Napatree anchorage off Watch Hill, Rhode Island.
As Captain Commandin' the sailing vessel Hanalei, I have honorably listened, for many months, to the harangue of various Captains who would rest the honor of said victory at sea from the log of Hanalei. There has been so much discussion, that I must take all that has been said as a challenge to the honor of the skipper and the vessel Hanalei! I have Sirs, been "called out" to defend said honor! I feel that I have been scoured beyond all temperance, and expect satisfaction.
Let it be noted, that in days of old, when one was "called out", that person had the God given right to chose ones weapons and place wherein to defend said honor. With that tradition in mind, the Captain of Hanalei hereby chooses the course known infamously as the "Horseshoe Reef" course as that ground wherein the honor of Hanalei will be defended!
Of course, negotation could be appropriate, but only if the entire fleet were to withdraw and admit that Hanalei is the winner in 2002 WITHOUT spilling another drop at sea (or maybe safety concerns)! A man that would strike another, either verbally or physically, can have no objections! The choice of weapons, and the place, belongs to Hanalei, does it not?
I have raised this position on this 5th. day of January, year of our Lord 2002, because the entire New England Fleet will be called by the Bravo Flag and a signal cannon to the abode of Unk's Tavern, Waterford, CT to meet with Fleet Captain MacDonald on the 19th. of January to discuss said actions next July/August. This therein will allow said Captains in contention 14 days to consider the position of Hanalei.
My second Sirs, (actually 1st. Lieutenant) is the honorable Mrs. Carol Stump, who will be happy to discuss any arrangements you feel are necessary.
I shall await your comments Sirs.......I remain.......your most HUMBLE servant..........
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
Nautical Traditions Officer
P.S. Information concerning the Horseshoe Reef course can be found by searching the site under "Horseshoe Reef".
Re: Hear her, Hear Her! Yes, .....
To all Captains commanding,
Captain Monaghan is most correct, the place will be OFFICIALLY decided at the meeting! THAT is why it is SO important that you ALL attend. I would suggest you bring a chart with the course you prepose charted, so as to aid the discussion! TWO races, ah lads, Hanalei and crew will be training at double tides for this! Ya are all in for a grand contest at sea! Hope to see you ALL at the meeting at Unk's on the 19th. I remain.....your most HUMBLE servant.......
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei
Now, to find space for all those #1 plagues on the cabin bulkheads, TWO races........imagine! ! !
New mains'l and flying jib to be bent on soon!
Captain Monaghan is most correct, the place will be OFFICIALLY decided at the meeting! THAT is why it is SO important that you ALL attend. I would suggest you bring a chart with the course you prepose charted, so as to aid the discussion! TWO races, ah lads, Hanalei and crew will be training at double tides for this! Ya are all in for a grand contest at sea! Hope to see you ALL at the meeting at Unk's on the 19th. I remain.....your most HUMBLE servant.......
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei
Now, to find space for all those #1 plagues on the cabin bulkheads, TWO races........imagine! ! !
New mains'l and flying jib to be bent on soon!
Re: Arg Mate, just IMAGINE ! !
Captain Feffer,
Yes Sir, that would require some serious discussion for the remainder of the year. I suppose that there IS the possibility, ah, why should I be shy, there is a DISTINCT possibility! He, he, this is going to be FUN! !
Hey, while I think about it, don't they throw the winning skipper over the side? That means I would take TWO (2) dunkings in a short span of time! ! PERISH the thought indeed! Hope the water is WARM !
Dave Stump
Yes Sir, that would require some serious discussion for the remainder of the year. I suppose that there IS the possibility, ah, why should I be shy, there is a DISTINCT possibility! He, he, this is going to be FUN! !
Hey, while I think about it, don't they throw the winning skipper over the side? That means I would take TWO (2) dunkings in a short span of time! ! PERISH the thought indeed! Hope the water is WARM !
Dave Stump
Just 2? How about 3 or 4!
Don't forget about the possibility of the <b>Maine Race</b> (which, by definition, supercedes all others). Also there has been evidence of a little competitive spirit amongst the offshore fleet from Onset to Tenant's Harbor (of which Journey's End claims the title of reigning #1).
As Cathy said, planning for all NE Fleet events will be taking place at the Winter Meeting in Niantic. All NE Fleet members, whether of racing or cruising pursuasion or of eastern/western/northern/southern orientation are encouraged to attend!
Dave Potts
<a href=http://home.maine.rr.com/andronikos/index.html>CD30C, Andronikos</a>
Assistant Recruiting Officer, CDSOA NE Fleet
As Cathy said, planning for all NE Fleet events will be taking place at the Winter Meeting in Niantic. All NE Fleet members, whether of racing or cruising pursuasion or of eastern/western/northern/southern orientation are encouraged to attend!
Dave Potts
<a href=http://home.maine.rr.com/andronikos/index.html>CD30C, Andronikos</a>
Assistant Recruiting Officer, CDSOA NE Fleet
Catherine Monaghan wrote: Before everybody gets too excited about "The Race" it should be known that the event organizers will be meeting at the Winter Meeting in Niantic, CT. At that meeting, the committees will decide when, where, etc.
As things stand at the moment, there is the possibility of TWO races this year: one during the activities on western LIS and one during the activities on eastern LIS.
Whoever wins either race will have the honor of flying #1. That's two #1s gang -- unless of course Captain Stump, or otherwise, wins both races.
None of the above is yet written in stone, not until the Winter Meeting will The Race(s) and their location(s) be decided by the committees.
Who knows, after the meeting, we may be back to eastern LIS and with only one race in the offing.
CD32 Realization, #3
Northeast Fleet Secretary, CDSOA, Inc.
Nautical Traditions Officer wrote: To all Captains Commanding,
Since the month of July last, there has been considerable discussion on this site about the floggin' the fleet took, from the vessel Hanalei, durin' a certain race and contest to the Island of Adrian Block from the vicinity of the Napatree anchorage off Watch Hill, Rhode Island.
As Captain Commandin' the sailing vessel Hanalei, I have honorably listened, for many months, to the harangue of various Captains who would rest the honor of said victory at sea from the log of Hanalei. There has been so much discussion, that I must take all that has been said as a challenge to the honor of the skipper and the vessel Hanalei! I have Sirs, been "called out" to defend said honor! I feel that I have been scoured beyond all temperance, and expect satisfaction.
Let it be noted, that in days of old, when one was "called out", that person had the God given right to chose ones weapons and place wherein to defend said honor. With that tradition in mind, the Captain of Hanalei hereby chooses the course known infamously as the "Horseshoe Reef" course as that ground wherein the honor of Hanalei will be defended!
Of course, negotation could be appropriate, but only if the entire fleet were to withdraw and admit that Hanalei is the winner in 2002 WITHOUT spilling another drop at sea (or maybe safety concerns)! A man that would strike another, either verbally or physically, can have no objections! The choice of weapons, and the place, belongs to Hanalei, does it not?
I have raised this position on this 5th. day of January, year of our Lord 2002, because the entire New England Fleet will be called by the Bravo Flag and a signal cannon to the abode of Unk's Tavern, Waterford, CT to meet with Fleet Captain MacDonald on the 19th. of January to discuss said actions next July/August. This therein will allow said Captains in contention 14 days to consider the position of Hanalei.
My second Sirs, (actually 1st. Lieutenant) is the honorable Mrs. Carol Stump, who will be happy to discuss any arrangements you feel are necessary.
I shall await your comments Sirs.......I remain.......your most HUMBLE servant..........
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
Nautical Traditions Officer
P.S. Information concerning the Horseshoe Reef course can be found by searching the site under "Horseshoe Reef".
Re: If ya rob a bank......
Captain Wheatley,
If a friend of yours decides to rob a bank, and you drive the get-away car, YOU are as guilty of robbing the bank as is the perp! True, a number of the fleet skippers DID NOT attack me on the web, but they did not defend my position either! So, I hold all as members of the party that is "Calling me Out!"
Oh, and it IS traditional that the maligned party DOES choose the PLACE as well as the weapon! With all this in mind, are YOU going to be there? I hope so, the more the merrier! We have lots of GROG!
See you on the 19th. at Unk's....I remain......your most HUMBLE servant.........
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
If a friend of yours decides to rob a bank, and you drive the get-away car, YOU are as guilty of robbing the bank as is the perp! True, a number of the fleet skippers DID NOT attack me on the web, but they did not defend my position either! So, I hold all as members of the party that is "Calling me Out!"
Oh, and it IS traditional that the maligned party DOES choose the PLACE as well as the weapon! With all this in mind, are YOU going to be there? I hope so, the more the merrier! We have lots of GROG!
See you on the 19th. at Unk's....I remain......your most HUMBLE servant.........
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C