Looking for Dodger - Northeast MD

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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Bob Qualls

Looking for Dodger - Northeast MD

Post by Bob Qualls »

We would like to add a dodger and awning to our CD22. Could anyone recommend a canvas shop in the Northeast, MD area? (northern end of Chesapeake Bay)

Debby Vallette

Re: Looking for Dodger - Northeast MD

Post by Debby Vallette »

We like Concord Point 311 St. John St. in Havre De Grace; phone 410 939 2196. Owner's name is Vincent.
Rob Hindman

Re: Looking for Dodger - Northeast MD

Post by Rob Hindman »

North Sails in Annapolis has traveled up to the Sassafras River to do several, including my own, very nice dodgers. They did a great job and didn't charge me a travel fee. I don't know if they'll go up the western shore. Contact Rob Pennington at North Sails. Concord Point does nice work as well.
Rob Hindman
CD-28 "Dormouse"
Kentmore Park, MD
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