Depth finder

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Rob Muir

Depth finder

Post by Rob Muir »

I want to put a new thru-hull depth finder on my Cape Dory 22. Where is the best place to drill through?
Anthony P. Jeske

Re: Depth finder

Post by Anthony P. Jeske »

It's not necessary to drill through the hull. You can shoot through the solid fiberglass hull. You will lose some sensitivity, but for most of us, it doesn't matter that your depth sounder now only works down to 250 feet instead of 300 feet. Many people have affixed the transducer inside the hull with silicone RTV or Life-Caulk.
I can't help you with location on your CD-22, as I have a CD-25, but for what it's worth, my transducer is mounted in a cabinet space just forward of the companionway.
Good Luck,
Tony Jeske
CD-25D #141
Carpe Diem
San Diego
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