There is only one resolution of any importance to the Cape Dory northeast fleet.
That resolution would be to take from the Pirate Captain Stump the title CDSOA #1.
We all know how he covets this title and how he will stop at nothing to retain it. It is now up to the Fleet, including the dreaded MK II trio......the intrepid trio of 27's....I even hear there's a 32 and a 33 out there with their eyes on the title. I assume there may be other contenders, those with new toys from Santa who now desires to be CDSOA #1.
Let the gauntlet be thrown to dethrone this Pirate Captain who resides in Eastern Long Island Sound and who wants to defend on home territory!!!!!!
Captain Commanding
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Are you planning to participate in The Race this summer??? Are you going to voice your opinion on the location of said Race at the Fleet meeting in January??? I am sure #1 would love to meet you in person. Please join us.