I was given a book on 'sailing secrets' for Christmas. In it a wooden boat builder say that he finishes the topsides with one coat of clear expoxy (to give the
allgrip something to grab) and two coats of clear Allgrip. Apparently it looks good and is very durable. Anyone tried or even heard of someone trying this?
I thought I would finish a teak board in this manner and then attach it to the stern pulpit for the summer and see how it does. I imagine it will be good for
one summer in New England, my concern would be what happens when/if the time comes to remove it. Any thoughts.
s/v Inerarity
Clear Allgrip on exterior teak
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Clear Allgrip on exterior teak
tried this approach on a small area of my teak a couple of years ago.. after a few months some of the finish blistered off, and some continued to hold up very well... the problem was to restore the peeled areas.. i found it almost impossible to blend in the new ,wit the old.. glad i only did a small area as an experiment ....lrs