25D Nav Table Pics link

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25D Nav Table Pics link

Post by Bill »

Hello to all

I got a couple of emails wanting to see the pics of Rhapsody's Nav Table, so here is the link.

Happy New Year to All

S/V Rhapsody

Bob Dugan

Re: 25D Nav Table Pics link

Post by Bob Dugan »


This is a thing of beauty. I can tell that I have a lot to learn about carpentry. I had created this monstorous design in my head to solve the uneven surface problems in the galley. Your solution is very simple and elegant! Great job!



Re: 25D Nav Table Pics link

Post by Bill »


Thanks for your kind words. I wrestled with this one for over two years before I the light came on. Glad to be of help

Bob Dugan wrote: Bill,

This is a thing of beauty. I can tell that I have a lot to learn about carpentry. I had created this monstorous design in my head to solve the uneven surface problems in the galley. Your solution is very simple and elegant! Great job!


Bruce Janssen

Re: 25D Nav Table Pics link

Post by Bruce Janssen »

Bill wrote: Hello to all

I got a couple of emails wanting to see the pics of Rhapsody's Nav Table, so here is the link.

Happy New Year to All

S/V Rhapsody
Bill- nice work, I approached the problem diffently and gave up strbrd berth, look at some photos at www.picturetrail.com/brucejanssen

Larry DeMers

Re: 25D Nav Table Pics link

Post by Larry DeMers »


Nice job! The stain choice was very complimentary, and you made use of the galley fiddles in the design..good job!

Larry DeMers
s/v DeLaMer
Cape Dory 30 Sailing Lake Superior

Bill wrote: Hello to all

I got a couple of emails wanting to see the pics of Rhapsody's Nav Table, so here is the link.

Happy New Year to All

S/V Rhapsody

Bob Ohler

Re: 25D Nav Table Pics link

Post by Bob Ohler »

As a former CD25D owner, let me tip my hat to you on a fine job.
On board the old Aloha Spirit, I took a similar but different approach by making using of a piece from a drop leaf table. The outboard end I suspended with two lines and two snaps that hooked into eye straps. The inboard edge "lipped over" the edge of the galley counter. I was also able to incorporate fiddles that kept the charts from sliding as well as store the navigational tools. Your idea, makes for quicker out of the way storage of the chart than the one that I built.
A fine job indeed! You should submit this to magazine. The Masthead, perhaps?

Bob O.

Leo MacDonald

Re: 25D Nav Table Pics link

Post by Leo MacDonald »

Bob Ohler wrote: Bill,
As a former CD25D owner, let me tip my hat to you on a fine job.
On board the old Aloha Spirit, I took a similar but different approach by making using of a piece from a drop leaf table. The outboard end I suspended with two lines and two snaps that hooked into eye straps. The inboard edge "lipped over" the edge of the galley counter. I was also able to incorporate fiddles that kept the charts from sliding as well as store the navigational tools. Your idea, makes for quicker out of the way storage of the chart than the one that I built.
A fine job indeed! You should submit this to magazine. The Masthead, perhaps?

I second the "Masthead" suggestion - GREAT job.

BTW; Bring your tools this summer (I may . . er, find something on 'Evening Light' that needs your attention.)

Fair Winds,

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