cape dory 14 stern delamination

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Kevin L. Harding

cape dory 14 stern delamination

Post by Kevin L. Harding »

I bought an old 1974 abused cape dory 14. I recently discovered the stern is cracking at the top and I assume there is a balsa core that is wet and the cracking is result of freezing. Can I do anything to repair this mess? The stern still seems strong although there are some old repairs that need filling. Any advice is appreciated. I've already bought a new sail and I'm having a centerboard fabricated. I'm in pretty deep on this little boat and I'd really like to save her .


Re: cape dory 14 stern delamination

Post by JimL »

If you'll email me, I'll explain how I used an inside press mold to rebuild the transom on an old Chrysler ski boat. I tried using your email from the post, but got an error message.


Re: cape dory 14 stern delamination

Post by Harris »

My CD had a solid mahogony transom with Gelcoat only on the outside and a similar delamination. Gluing it back in place is all that was required. Dont get concerned because of postings about water impregnated balsa on this board. In most cases people are trying to preserve their investments in expensive boats and the problems havent reached structuaraly threating levels. On outboard powered speedboats the transom can be a trouble spot.........but it is never balsa cored....usually plywood. Drill a few smoall pilot holes to see what is lurking below the surface and dont be overly concerned. I think that the transom will stay on that 14 into the next century.
Buddy Sharpton

Re: cape dory 14 stern delamination

Post by Buddy Sharpton »

Ive owned a 1967 model-I'm assuming your talking about the 50" beam whitehall type, not the Handicat Catboat 7 foot beam boat. This is a great boat to fool around with. The"stern cracking at the top" I am taking to mean the roll over edge of the stern seat molded part, the flange that is bedded and bolted to the transom flange of the hull. I have cut a 10" Beckson access port in to my stren air tank and have had a good look at the inside. The transom is solid glass, 1/4 inch tops- no core. Believe it or not, under side of stern seat and bow seat/air tank are backed, but not cored with 1/4 masonite. Some polyester mush is all thats between the stern flanges and its not filled in solid. I would expect the gel cot cracks you see are cosmetic only and I wouldn't worry. Repairing , to last , is going to require getting rid of the flex with some sort of epoxy and balloons troweled in , after you cut a inspection port hole- but what's the real benefit. I'd gouge open the cracks, and regelcoat so they would look pretty, but bet some would slowly come back. Or you could just spend your time sailing.
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