Anyone want to sell 150% for CD25?

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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Anyone want to sell 150% for CD25?

Post by JimL »

My boat has only main and 110% lapper. Due to all the repairs, and money spent, I'm down to the "used price" stuff! If someone has a 150% that's useable, and not too expensive, please email me.

By the way, has anyone tried a J24 150% on a CD25.....numbers look pretty close.

I also want to offer a big thank you to all the wonderful folks on this board. Your interest, and nice emails for my repair articles, has kept my spirits up as I've struggled through this project. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, one and all!
Will W.

Re: 150% for CD25?

Post by Will W. »

Hey Jim
I was fortunate enough to get Suzi Q with a working jib, 150% and a drifter. I must say that I use the drifter and the working jib more than the 150%. I only mention this since you may want to consider all your alternatives given your now limited budget. I am quickly running through the amount of money I wanted to spend this year and I have yet to look at sails. Although I did just get a bill from the sailmaker for the repairs they did to my mainsail. Anyway, have you looked at Bacon and Associates web site. It's they claim to have about 10,000 used sails in stock. They are all listed on their web site. I'm pretty sure there is a place in San Diego which does the same thing, I think I saw an add for them in the back of SAIL Magazine. I found Bacon by using the internet yellow pages for Annapolis under boat supplies. You should be able to do the same thing for your area to see if there is anybody nearby to wherever you happen to be ( CA. I think . Good luck.

Will Wheatley
Suzi Q

JimL wrote: My boat has only main and 110% lapper. Due to all the repairs, and money spent, I'm down to the "used price" stuff! If someone has a 150% that's useable, and not too expensive, please email me.

By the way, has anyone tried a J24 150% on a CD25.....numbers look pretty close.

I also want to offer a big thank you to all the wonderful folks on this board. Your interest, and nice emails for my repair articles, has kept my spirits up as I've struggled through this project. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, one and all!
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