Universal Diesel

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Dick Turner

Universal Diesel

Post by Dick Turner »

I changed the oil in my "iron genny" today and ran into somewhat of a dilemma. The op. and maint. manual that came with my CD31 tells me that I have a model 30 (5424), 3 cylinder engine. There are no data plates so I can't confirm the above. It does have 3 cyl. based on the number of injectors. The lubrication schedule tells me that the engine holds 5.6 qts. Here is where it gets confusing, I only removed approximately 3 quartz. Upon refilling, it took 3.5 qts. to get to the full/correct level. Looking at the manual again, the 2 cylinder model 20 holds 3.7 qtz. What am I missing? Yes, I did drain all of the old oil and change the filter. Any insights would be appreciated.
We're still sailing in NC!

Dick T.,
S/V Mystical

M. R. Bober

Re: Universal Diesel

Post by M. R. Bober »

The obvious question would be "are you sure that you drained all of the oil?" After you refilled the engine, was the oil still golden or dark brown/black?

RESPITE has the M-30 and it does use the full measure specified in the manual (including filter). I'll look for a ID plate and let you know (if I find it).
Best wishes,
Mitchell Bober

Re: Universal Diesel

Post by Tom »

It's unlikely that you have a model 30 engine in a CD 31. The three cylinder Universal is model 25 which some people mistakely think means 25 horsepower. It originally had 18 horsepower and Universal later upped it to 21 horsepower. The three cylinder engine does, indeed, hold about 3 1/2 quarts. I think it was originally figured in liters which is what makes the quarts come out odd. It's confusing because the manual has specs for a lot of different engines. I don't have my manual here at home, but I believe the model 30 is the four cylinder engine and it holds more oil.

CD 31 # 15 (with 3 cylinder Universal engine)
Dick Turner wrote: I changed the oil in my "iron genny" today and ran into somewhat of a dilemma. The op. and maint. manual that came with my CD31 tells me that I have a model 30 (5424), 3 cylinder engine. There are no data plates so I can't confirm the above. It does have 3 cyl. based on the number of injectors. The lubrication schedule tells me that the engine holds 5.6 qts. Here is where it gets confusing, I only removed approximately 3 quartz. Upon refilling, it took 3.5 qts. to get to the full/correct level. Looking at the manual again, the 2 cylinder model 20 holds 3.7 qtz. What am I missing? Yes, I did drain all of the old oil and change the filter. Any insights would be appreciated.
We're still sailing in NC!

Dick T.,
S/V Mystical

John Sill

Re: Universal Diesel

Post by John Sill »

I also have a CD31(1985) with a Universal M25 engine, (3 cylinder).

John Sill
Beholder's Eye
CD31, #84

M. R. Bober

Re: Universal Diesel--Online Manual

Post by M. R. Bober »


Try this site for the manual. It may help.
Mitchell Bober

P.S. Be sure to investigate Tom's solution to the intermittent starting problems of the Universal. Work of a genius!
Nancy Martin

Re: Universal Diesel

Post by Nancy Martin »

John Sill wrote: I also have a CD31(1985) with a Universal M25 engine, (3 cylinder).

John Sill
Beholder's Eye
CD31, #84


Just as information, we now have CD31, Hull #85, built in 1985. Oh, by the way, we went sailing yesterday. Temp was 58 degrees, wind was light but enough to move us at 4.3 kts. Great weather in the South!!

Nancy & John Martin


Re: Universal Diesel

Post by was »

M.R. Bober:

I think that this is a common problem when attempting to drain this motor's crankcase. I always figured that the engine held 4 quarts of oil - but I have rarely been able to extract more that a bit over 3 quarts with a vacum dipstick extractor.

Be careful not to over fill the engine, it can be very hard on the oil seals. I fill it slowly 2 quarts and then another and just a fraction.

Wm Sonntag
CD 31
Hull No. 30

Re: Universal Diesel

Post by Stan »

Happy New Year!
I've got my Universal manual in front of me; the M-25(21 hp) and the M-30 (24 hp) are both 3 cylinders. A lot of the specs are the same, so here are the major differences:
M-25 M-30
Max RPM 3000 2800
Lube fill to full mark 4 qts 5.6 qts
Engine wt. (lbs) 285 425
Length overall 28.1" 32.5"
Height overall 22.6" 24.6"

If you can't find a nameplate, hope this helps sort things out.

Have a great sailing season,
Stan and Kerry
CD 31 "Nomad" #08

John Sill

Re: Universal Diesel

Post by John Sill »

HI! Don't rub it in too hard!


PS: Mine's hull #84.

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