I have owned 5 different Cape Dory's (Typoons, CD22, CD28) and am considering moving up to a Cape Dory 33. One of my wife's objections to the CD 28 was that it was too tender. Is the 33 significantly more stiff?
CD 33 sailing characteristics
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: CD 33 sailing characteristics
The 33 has the highest ballast/displacement ratio from the 27 to the 40' with a 41% ratio. If nothing else that does make it less tender, but due to the hull design on cape dorys they have a built in tenderness.Jos Wristers wrote: I have owned 5 different Cape Dory's (Typoons, CD22, CD28) and am considering moving up to a Cape Dory 33. One of my wife's objections to the CD 28 was that it was too tender. Is the 33 significantly more stiff?
John CD31 #18 Bonnie Blue
Re: CD 33 sailing characteristics
Tender is in the eyes of the beholder. We never had a CD 28, but we have a CD 33 after five years with an Alberg 30 (essentially same design) Our Alberg was in the groove at 30 degrees. Our CD 33 is in the groove at 15-20 degrees. It took some getting used to. We loved 30 degrees. Now we love 15-20 degrees. We have reached 30 or more in a heavy breeze, but it seems to sail best at 15-20. All CDs are initially tender, but tighten up the more they heel. Unlike some designs that are initially stiff, but suddenly go over.