Here ya rules..just right..
Whether or not you race, you'll benefit from Membership in ECSA!
Sailors and yacht clubs from Bridgeport, CT to Watch Hill, RI participate in ECSA
events and activities. More than 30 clubs are members of ECSA. It is ECSA that
represents area sailors before sailing's national organization: The United States
Sailing Association (U.S. Sailing). Founded in 1933, ECSA is one of the 37 sailing
associations which constitutes U.S. Sailing. The Eastern Connecticut Sailing
Association promotes participation in junior, one-design and offshore sailing.
Through individual and club membership, ECSA reaches sailing enthusiats with a
wide variety of programs and services. So, whether or not you race, you'll benefit
from Membership in ECSA!
Sailing and Safety Seminars
Offshore Racing Events
U.S. Championships Qualifiers
Junior Sailing Programs
One-design Events
Race Managment Training
PHRF Handicaps
Appeals Committee
Enhanced Membership
ECSA Membership includes:
ECSA Offshore Circuit Entry
PHRF-L.I.S. Rating Certificate*
Additional Yearbooks: $10.00
ATTN: Racing wanabees on LIS
Moderator: Jim Walsh