Weather on Lake Superior/Southern California

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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Bruce Bett

Weather on Lake Superior/Southern California

Post by Bruce Bett »

We have recent had reports on this board of storms on Lake Superior and sincere commiseration from southern California. I feel compelled to share the following as I feel it may inform both view points.

I was in Marquette MI, this weekend. I was strolling along the shore of Lake Superior with my son and my brother. We came upon two bathing beauties on the beach. They wore no tee shirts over their bikinis. As we watched they took a dip in the lake to cool off. This being quickly accomplished, they ran back up the beach to their car and departed.

Tough breed these UPers!

Bruce Bett
CD 25 #496

Re: Weather on Lake Superior/Southern California

Post by JimL »

We cannot take dips in the near-shore ocean, during rainy season, due to increased water pollution. Bikinis and trunks may accumulate acid holes or petro-chemical stains in excess of federal guidelines. This condition is most noticeable in areas adjacent to Long Beach, and less evident on more Southern shores.

While our air and water pollution is a negative factor, there are hidden advantages.
1. Engines can be set to run maximum lean (for improved fuel economy). The air is so full of hydrocarbons, most engines run too rich.
2. Ugly rust stains are reduced, in presence of constant acid rain/dew flushing. This condition conveniently occurs each morning, except during Santa Ana wind conditions.
3. Santa Ana winds occasionally blow sand, off shore, from desert areas. This process neatly dulls and roughens non-skid surfaces, improving traction. Rumors abound of desperate owners wrapping their hulls, above waterline, and storing the boat in Ontario, near Interstate 10 and Interstate 15. 60 days exposure seems about right to sandblast off all of the bottom paint AND disperse the debris!
4. New boat gel coat looks just like my 28 year old Cape Dory, exactly 1 week after launching. Iron particle fallout, and industrial soot play no favorites! (I really LOVE this one!!!)
5. Live air and water pollution abounds. Celebrity TV status may be yours when famous names, such as Danny Bonaduce, occasionally run their yachts aground, crash into piers, or lose drunken starlets in the channel. Local TV reporters flood the docks, looking to interview anyone in a tattered sweatshirt and sunglasses. Say "dude", and "awwwwsome" a lot, while on camera.

Near as I can tell, that's SoCal sailing!
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