Seasons greetings to all:
Has anyone come across on the high seas a Pocket Trawler or a Pilothouse Sail boat manufactured by Nimble Boats Inc.
I love my 25 CD and plan on keeping it: a good friend of mine is looking at this boat as something he would use as he goes down the ICW. I thought the folks who use this web site might have some info I could pass on.
The Nimble Boat Company
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: The Nimble Boat Company
Here is a link to the Nimble Boats site. There is a Wanderer (30 foot trawler) in our marina that the owners travel through out the US in. This past fall they trailered to Lake Erie and via the inland waterways and the ICW spent the winter in Key West. I happen to like the boat.
Fair Winds and Happy Holidays to all
Fair Winds and Happy Holidays to all
Ken Merson wrote: Seasons greetings to all:
Has anyone come across on the high seas a Pocket Trawler or a Pilothouse Sail boat manufactured by Nimble Boats Inc.
I love my 25 CD and plan on keeping it: a good friend of mine is looking at this boat as something he would use as he goes down the ICW. I thought the folks who use this web site might have some info I could pass on.
Re: The Nimble Boat Company
There is a Nimble Sailboat on the docks at Cape Sante Marine in Anacortes-about a 26 footer-and the owner wished he never purchased it!
Steering was a major problem until he installed a system to make it steer better-and that was only the first problem.
Stay with the CD!!
Ken Cave
Steering was a major problem until he installed a system to make it steer better-and that was only the first problem.
Stay with the CD!!
Ken Cave