Faryman diesel
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Faryman diesel
I'm looking to purchase a CD 28.I've found one that has a Faryman diesel.Can't find much information about this engine.Anyone familar with the Faryman diesel ?Thanks.
Re: Faryman diesel
My brother used to own a Cal2-27 which had a 13 hp single cylinder Faryman diesel. It always ran fine. The only drawback was that I had to go to the dentist every Monday morning to get my fillings put back in. I do not know whether it was the engine or the installation, but that thing really shook the boat badly. I would not shy away from a two cylinder engine of another make if your found the 28 you are looking for.
My brother used to own a Cal2-27 which had a 13 hp single cylinder Faryman diesel. It always ran fine. The only drawback was that I had to go to the dentist every Monday morning to get my fillings put back in. I do not know whether it was the engine or the installation, but that thing really shook the boat badly. I would not shy away from a two cylinder engine of another make if your found the 28 you are looking for.
Re: Faryman diesel
I believe that they are a raw water cooled engine. A friend of mine pulled his on a 27 footer and installed an outboard in place of his inboard. Block ate itself up!!
Ken Cave
Ken Cave
Re: Faarrryyymaaann DDDieeesseelllll
As Matt said the single cylinder is a shaker and noisy. It's not the installation, it's the way they are. But a trial sail will tell you whether you can stand it or not. I had a brief ride on a boat that had one and it wouldn't be for me. However, they have a reputation for sturdy construction and long life. I don't know if it's justified or not. Is there a dealer in your area? Check around to see about service and parts availability in your area Just my two cents worth.
R.Hamilton wrote: I'm looking to purchase a CD 28.I've found one that has a Faryman diesel.Can't find much information about this engine.Anyone familar with the Faryman diesel ?Thanks.
One Cyclinder
Even the one cyclinder Yanmar is pretty "shakey" until you get her warm and revved up to around 1200 rmp.
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Tom wrote: As Matt said the single cylinder is a shaker and noisy. It's not the installation, it's the way they are. But a trial sail will tell you whether you can stand it or not. I had a brief ride on a boat that had one and it wouldn't be for me. However, they have a reputation for sturdy construction and long life. I don't know if it's justified or not. Is there a dealer in your area? Check around to see about service and parts availability in your area Just my two cents worth.
R.Hamilton wrote: I'm looking to purchase a CD 28.I've found one that has a Faryman diesel.Can't find much information about this engine.Anyone familar with the Faryman diesel ?Thanks.
Re: Faryman diesel
Thanks for all of your comments.I knew I could count on you guys for some excellent advise.R.Hamilton wrote: I'm looking to purchase a CD 28.I've found one that has a Faryman diesel.Can't find much information about this engine.Anyone familar with the Faryman diesel ?Thanks.
Re: Faryman diesel
Any one cylinder (gas too, but not as bad) is going to be more "rough" than one that has more cylinders. Its a matter of unbalanced reciprocating mass and the amount of energy (amount being combusted) needed. In terms of this board, a cannon w/ a larger load of powder and/or a larger cannonball is going to kick back more than a light load/cannonball. What is the main reason leaf blowers or chain saws give your hands a massage. There has also been threads about checking and cleaning raw water cooled diesels. Compare other one cylinder diesels in the marina for a comparison baseline.