Chart kits, "THE" race, & some thoughts....
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Chart kits, "THE" race, & some thoughts....
All Captains Commanding,
Honored Sirs, and Hanalei is on the hard, completely covered, all secured for the winters' storms next. This has placed the Captain on "Half-Pay" until April next, and has afforded him considerable time to anticipate "THE RACE"!!!! The following are some thoughts and suggestions for the esteemed event:
1st. Pull charts 12373 and/or chart 13214(this being the larger). Plot these points and resulting course:
Start at Horseshoe Reef, N"26" (off of Groton Long Point and slightly to the West of it), leave Horseshoe Reef to Starboard and proceed to Seaflower Reef "R2", heading 186 degrees mag. approx. 2.2 nautical miles. Leave Seaflower Reef to Port and proceed to:
R"2"(off the Northwest shore of Fisher's Island), heading 186 degrees mag. approx 2.2 nautical miles, leave R"2" to Port and proceed (under spinaker or drifter reacher if desired) to:
North Dumpling Island, heading 24 degrees mag. approx 1.8 nautical miles. Leave North Dumpling to Starboard, and proceed to:
Intrepid Rock N"IR", heading 46 degrees mag. approx. 1 nautical mile, leave Intrepid Rock to Port, and proceed to:
Horseshoe Reef, heading 294 degrees mag. approximately 1 nautical mile, to the GLORIUS Finish!
This course in straight line distance is approximately 13 nautical miles long. The race to the Island of Adrian Block this year last, was approximately 15 nautical miles in a single straight line(some Captains chose to go a LOT longer than THAT!!!).
Know, for want of a better title, this course shall be known as the "Horseshoe Reef Course". It is a suggestion, and another would be a race that circumnavigates Fisher's Island itself, this would be a course of 15 to 18 nautical miles approx. and would be a much more difficult course due to tide and current concerns.
The Horseshoe Reef Course at that time of year would be essentially a windward/leeward course, with many tacks and a finish that would probably be a broad reach allowing for a GLORIUS finish! Tide and current will be of a concern, but much less so than a circumnavigation of Fisher's Island.
For something fun to do on a quiet Sunday, with an appropriate glass of grog, try plotting this course and contemplate it. What is the opinion of the esteemed Captains?
This is only a proposal and some thoughts, please think about it and make any comment you wish. I remain, Sirs, your most HUMBLE servant.........
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
ps. New sails to be ordered in February next!!!
Honored Sirs, and Hanalei is on the hard, completely covered, all secured for the winters' storms next. This has placed the Captain on "Half-Pay" until April next, and has afforded him considerable time to anticipate "THE RACE"!!!! The following are some thoughts and suggestions for the esteemed event:
1st. Pull charts 12373 and/or chart 13214(this being the larger). Plot these points and resulting course:
Start at Horseshoe Reef, N"26" (off of Groton Long Point and slightly to the West of it), leave Horseshoe Reef to Starboard and proceed to Seaflower Reef "R2", heading 186 degrees mag. approx. 2.2 nautical miles. Leave Seaflower Reef to Port and proceed to:
R"2"(off the Northwest shore of Fisher's Island), heading 186 degrees mag. approx 2.2 nautical miles, leave R"2" to Port and proceed (under spinaker or drifter reacher if desired) to:
North Dumpling Island, heading 24 degrees mag. approx 1.8 nautical miles. Leave North Dumpling to Starboard, and proceed to:
Intrepid Rock N"IR", heading 46 degrees mag. approx. 1 nautical mile, leave Intrepid Rock to Port, and proceed to:
Horseshoe Reef, heading 294 degrees mag. approximately 1 nautical mile, to the GLORIUS Finish!
This course in straight line distance is approximately 13 nautical miles long. The race to the Island of Adrian Block this year last, was approximately 15 nautical miles in a single straight line(some Captains chose to go a LOT longer than THAT!!!).
Know, for want of a better title, this course shall be known as the "Horseshoe Reef Course". It is a suggestion, and another would be a race that circumnavigates Fisher's Island itself, this would be a course of 15 to 18 nautical miles approx. and would be a much more difficult course due to tide and current concerns.
The Horseshoe Reef Course at that time of year would be essentially a windward/leeward course, with many tacks and a finish that would probably be a broad reach allowing for a GLORIUS finish! Tide and current will be of a concern, but much less so than a circumnavigation of Fisher's Island.
For something fun to do on a quiet Sunday, with an appropriate glass of grog, try plotting this course and contemplate it. What is the opinion of the esteemed Captains?
This is only a proposal and some thoughts, please think about it and make any comment you wish. I remain, Sirs, your most HUMBLE servant.........
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
ps. New sails to be ordered in February next!!!
Horseshoe REEF Course
Captain Stump,
Although I have yet to pour that lovely glass of grog, and plot the course. I do have some fundamental problems.
Pirate Stump develops a course to defend his title in his home waters, thereby taking advantage of "local knowledge." I suppose this may be akin to a Cup Challenge, whereby the defending chump, Oh I meant Champ...has the right to defend his CDSOA # 1 title on his terms.
Beware Captains, check that course carefully, there may be underwater obstructions along that course that would be only known to local Pirates. Do not be lulled into thinking that this thoughtfully plotted course is nothing but a straight forward race course. Note, the title of said course,"Horseshoe REEF Course" !!!!!!!
Well...It is Sunday...I can't go sailing....perhaps I'll open that bottle of grog...break out the charts, and contemplate said course, be sure that I will be looking for any skullduggery that Pirate Stump has in mind.
Michael Heintz
Captain Commanding
Racing Sloop Macht Nichts CD 30 MK II
ps. I hear Santa's going to be good to Macht Nichts this year....
Although I have yet to pour that lovely glass of grog, and plot the course. I do have some fundamental problems.
Pirate Stump develops a course to defend his title in his home waters, thereby taking advantage of "local knowledge." I suppose this may be akin to a Cup Challenge, whereby the defending chump, Oh I meant Champ...has the right to defend his CDSOA # 1 title on his terms.
Beware Captains, check that course carefully, there may be underwater obstructions along that course that would be only known to local Pirates. Do not be lulled into thinking that this thoughtfully plotted course is nothing but a straight forward race course. Note, the title of said course,"Horseshoe REEF Course" !!!!!!!
Well...It is Sunday...I can't go sailing....perhaps I'll open that bottle of grog...break out the charts, and contemplate said course, be sure that I will be looking for any skullduggery that Pirate Stump has in mind.
Michael Heintz
Captain Commanding
Racing Sloop Macht Nichts CD 30 MK II
ps. I hear Santa's going to be good to Macht Nichts this year....
Capt. Stump, Race Course Clarification.
Capt. Dave,D. Stump, Hanalei wrote: All Captains Commanding,
Honored Sirs, and Hanalei is on the hard, completely covered, all secured for the winters' storms next. This has placed the Captain on "Half-Pay" until April next, and has afforded him considerable time to anticipate "THE RACE"!!!! The following are some thoughts and suggestions for the esteemed event:
1st. Pull charts 12373 and/or chart 13214(this being the larger). Plot these points and resulting course:
Start at Horseshoe Reef, N"26" (off of Groton Long Point and slightly to the West of it), leave Horseshoe Reef to Starboard and proceed to Seaflower Reef "R2", heading 186 degrees mag. approx. 2.2 nautical miles. Leave Seaflower Reef to Port and proceed to:
R"2"(off the Northwest shore of Fisher's Island), heading 186 degrees mag. approx 2.2 nautical miles, leave R"2" to Port and proceed (under spinaker or drifter reacher if desired) to:
North Dumpling Island, heading 24 degrees mag. approx 1.8 nautical miles. Leave North Dumpling to Starboard, and proceed to:
Intrepid Rock N"IR", heading 46 degrees mag. approx. 1 nautical mile, leave Intrepid Rock to Port, and proceed to:
Horseshoe Reef, heading 294 degrees mag. approximately 1 nautical mile, to the GLORIUS Finish!
This course in straight line distance is approximately 13 nautical miles long. The race to the Island of Adrian Block this year last, was approximately 15 nautical miles in a single straight line(some Captains chose to go a LOT longer than THAT!!!).
Know, for want of a better title, this course shall be known as the "Horseshoe Reef Course". It is a suggestion, and another would be a race that circumnavigates Fisher's Island itself, this would be a course of 15 to 18 nautical miles approx. and would be a much more difficult course due to tide and current concerns.
The Horseshoe Reef Course at that time of year would be essentially a windward/leeward course, with many tacks and a finish that would probably be a broad reach allowing for a GLORIUS finish! Tide and current will be of a concern, but much less so than a circumnavigation of Fisher's Island.
For something fun to do on a quiet Sunday, with an appropriate glass of grog, try plotting this course and contemplate it. What is the opinion of the esteemed Captains?
This is only a proposal and some thoughts, please think about it and make any comment you wish. I remain, Sirs, your most HUMBLE servant.........
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
ps. New sails to be ordered in February next!!!
While trying to plot your recommended course I ran into a problem with the chart. You say.....leave Horseshoe Reef to starboard and proceed to Seaflower Reef "R2".... The problem is, I've looked at two different charts and Seaflower reef has no "R2" but is marked with a light marked FL 4s 28ft 7M. The nearest "R2" that I see on the chart is either further west at the entrance to the channel leading into New London Harbor, or the R2 you refer to later at the NW corner of Fishers Island. Kindly recheck your chart and tell me (us) if there is something wrong with my chart or if a correction is in order.
Warren Kaplan
Sine Qua Non
Re: Typo....sorry...
Captain Kaplan,
Rechecking my original message, your are correct Sir, Seaflower IS Fl 4s(a white flasher) 28ft 7m. It is NOT an "R2". The R2 I refer to after pasing Seaflower is at the NW end of Fishers Island, off Silver Eel Cove. My apologies Sir, and thanks for catching the error........
Dave Stump
Rechecking my original message, your are correct Sir, Seaflower IS Fl 4s(a white flasher) 28ft 7m. It is NOT an "R2". The R2 I refer to after pasing Seaflower is at the NW end of Fishers Island, off Silver Eel Cove. My apologies Sir, and thanks for catching the error........
Dave Stump
Re: Now, REALLY, would I ? ? ?
Sir Michael Heintz,
Captain Commanding
Racing Sloop Macht Nichts CD 30 MK II(ya RIGHT!)
Now Sir, I beg to take a slight offense and may require satisfaction! True, the proposed course is in the Captains' home waters, in fact the compass on board Hanalei was set with the aid of the GPS with the mark of object being Horseshoe Reef! But only because it is an easily turned mark(Why, a lubber could turn THAT mark!), it can be had at from N, E, S, or even W(from wence comes the competition next year at sea!).
So, Sir, I beg, attack the spirit locker, break open a small cask of rum, and have a few on me(then, plot the course!)! It IS truly a straight forward course, and just may put all competition to task to keep up with Hanalei when her new suit of sails are bent on her spars.
Geez, we have ALL winter to do this!!!!!!
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
Racing Sloop Macht Nichts CD 30 MK II(ya RIGHT!)
Now Sir, I beg to take a slight offense and may require satisfaction! True, the proposed course is in the Captains' home waters, in fact the compass on board Hanalei was set with the aid of the GPS with the mark of object being Horseshoe Reef! But only because it is an easily turned mark(Why, a lubber could turn THAT mark!), it can be had at from N, E, S, or even W(from wence comes the competition next year at sea!).
So, Sir, I beg, attack the spirit locker, break open a small cask of rum, and have a few on me(then, plot the course!)! It IS truly a straight forward course, and just may put all competition to task to keep up with Hanalei when her new suit of sails are bent on her spars.
Geez, we have ALL winter to do this!!!!!!
Dave Stump
Captain Kaplan foils Pirate Stump !!!!!!
Thank you Captain Kaplan,
Typo INDEED, Captain Stump is at it again.
Ummmmmm "R2 at the West entrance to the channel leading into New London Harbor"
No Sir there is nothing wrong with your chart. It is simply a shallow attempt by Pirate Stump to shoot all of us off to New London, while he completes the course.
As I say Captains, beware as it seems that Captain Stump will stop at nothing to hang onto to said claimed title "CDSOA # 1"
Michael Heintz
Racing Sloop
Macht Nichts CD 30 MK II
Thank you Captain Kaplan,
Typo INDEED, Captain Stump is at it again.
Ummmmmm "R2 at the West entrance to the channel leading into New London Harbor"
No Sir there is nothing wrong with your chart. It is simply a shallow attempt by Pirate Stump to shoot all of us off to New London, while he completes the course.
As I say Captains, beware as it seems that Captain Stump will stop at nothing to hang onto to said claimed title "CDSOA # 1"
Michael Heintz
Racing Sloop
Macht Nichts CD 30 MK II