MD7A Motor Mounts

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John Tier

MD7A Motor Mounts

Post by John Tier »


I need to replace one motor mount on my MD7A in my 1982 28ft. Cape Dory sailboat. I ordered a mount from Monmouth Marine Engines in Pt. Pleasant, NJ. It turned out to be the wrong one. They sent me the rubber piece with the bolt embedded in it sticking out of the top, with threading on the bottom. A metal cup goes over the rubber mount. This is depicted in the Volvo parts manual. The rubber piece was also much larger than my existing rubber mount.
My present mount (the rubber piece)with the bolt embedded looks as though it is pressed into the metal housing ? There is no cup that goes over the rubber piece, as the metal housing is a single piece.I cannot find any Volvo reference to my type of motor mount, and Monmouth Marine says most of the pieces other then the rubber cushion with the bolt (which is too big for my mount)are obsolete. Is anyone familiar with my type of motor mount for an MD7A ? Any ideas where I can get my hands on the proper replacement mounts ? Don't know what else to do at this point, as talking to a Volvo shop without the correct p/n is useless.

Thanks in advance.

Ken Cave

Re: MD7A Motor Mounts

Post by Ken Cave »

Try D.B. Marine in the UK for help. They say they will deliver around the world the right parts-and they did for me last year for my MD7A!

Their Telephone number is 01628 526032. Their web site is Their email site is

I had my motor mounts replaced last year by a local yard, and they were the wrong ones (supplied by a local Volvo dealer!)

I am now replacing my MD7A with a 2020-and this is also turning out to be a bear, as the new engine is a little too long.......

Oh well, we all know that a sailboat is just a hole in the water to throw money into...but seeing what a new CD28 would cost to build-I think I am still way ahead of the game.

Besides, look at therapy at $200.00 an hour! Sailing is still cheap!

Ken Cave
Dragon Tale #227

Re: MD7A Motor Mounts

Post by Brian »


I replaced my motor mounts in our 1982 CD 28(#326). We did it while the boat was in Ft. Lauderdale. I bought the mounts from Sailorman brand new for $25 a piece. The mounts from Volvo were $100 a piece.
The mounts in your boat are most likely not volvo mounts. If they are unfinshed Al then these are a 'universal' motor mount and are still readily available. I have the name of the company somewhere, but if you just take the demensions off your existing mounts(center to center hole distance, stud size, and hieght)and call Sailorman I'm sure they can get you the right ones. After I bought them I saw them at Boatowners Warehouse too.

To simplfy the job you might try to rent a hydraulic wedge and pump. This (along with some wood under the oil pan) takes a lot of the work out this labor intensive job.

Good Luck and if I come across the manufacturer I'll post the info. Some reason a part number like DF-110 sticks in my mind, but I did the job a couple of years ago.


Re: MD7A Motor Mounts

Post by Mike »

The name of the place is bushings inc.I think the DF110 is the one but you should talk to the factory to make shure.

Bushings Inc.
1967 Rochester Industrial Dr.
Rochester Hills, Mich. 48309-3340

Tell#1-248-650-0603 Fax# 1-248-650-0606

A DF110 lists in 2000 as $28.29
Mike Q.
Ken Cave

Re: MD7A Motor Mounts

Post by Ken Cave »

Be careful on ordering a universal motor mount! The mounts I had installed were "hard" mounts-where they came from I do not know! The motor mounts for the Volvo are "soft", giving some play and not for the bolts to absorb the vibration of the engine-which could lead to failure in the future.

Ken Cave
Dragon Tale #227
(and in the course of installing a 2020 Volvo, made by Perkins with the engine made by SMI(?) and uses Catapiller parts) Talk about confusion!!
John Tier

Re: MD7A Motor Mounts

Post by John Tier »


You are the MAN !! I checked out their web site, and the single-mount picture under their motor mount section looks exactly like the mount I have !! I will take some measurements and contact them. I can't thank you enough. Once again, the Cape Dory owners web site comes through.

Best regards,
John T.

Mike wrote: John,
The name of the place is bushings inc.I think the DF110 is the one but you should talk to the factory to make shure.

Bushings Inc.
1967 Rochester Industrial Dr.
Rochester Hills, Mich. 48309-3340

Tell#1-248-650-0603 Fax# 1-248-650-0606

A DF110 lists in 2000 as $28.29
Mike Q.
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