CD-33 PHRF and Captain MacDonald...

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

Warren Kaplan

Re: Will the real #1 step forward!!!!!

Post by Warren Kaplan »

Listen to all this sabre rattling! Capt Stump, Capt Heintz and now Capt Thorpe! Broadsides is it? I'm considering entering this race but I don't know how Sine Qua Non will sail with armor plate!

Warren Kaplan
Sine Qua Non
Dave Potts

Re: Will the real #1 step forward!!!!!

Post by Dave Potts »

Sounds like we Mainer's may have to recommission some of our coastal fortifications in anticipation of this onslaught of scourge from the south. Don't expend all of your energy in battles on the high seas - you'll still have to deal with Capt. Bobby (with or without boots) upon arrival.

<img src="">
Capt. Bobby, having spent hours studying the configuration and armaments of Journey's End (shown here at Northeast Harbor during the 2001 NE Fleet Maine Cruise), is prepared to exploit her weaknesses.

<img src="">
Major Tommy (who is celebrating his 3rd birthday today) is working on our coastal defense strategy.

<a href=>1982 CD30C Andronikos</a>

Mike Thorpe wrote: Captains,

Yes, the gauntlet has been thrown and it's ring is for thee. Mark thy calanders for August next. I and my faithful companion Merrie will sail Journey's End to her second consecutive Maine victory. So fire your broadsides be they starboard or larboard, Journey's End will be tracking downeast...let the pursuit begin.

Captain's M&M - The True #1's

Michael Heintz wrote: Well,

It seems as though the gauntlet has been thrown!!!!!!!

Dave, I think Mike's got a point here.

I suggest we all start working on our schedules for next year, we will have to make time to accommodate Captain Thorpe's challenge.

Mike, you'll have to start working on the "offshore" ratings. Are we going to have a solo division?

Michael Heintz
Captain Commanding
Racing Sloop
Macht Nichts CD 30 MK II
Mark Yashinsky


Post by Mark Yashinsky »

I hear Capt Kaplan is really going the more modern route and installing shields (and something about quantum torpedos). Understand shields can improve the laminar flow of water over the hull. Guess he is getting ready for anything from some crazed CD Captains to Bird of Prey's.
Leo MacDonald


Post by Leo MacDonald »

D. Stump, Hanalei wrote: To all Captains Commandin',

Uh, too much grog over the weekend last...the math should have been a CD-33 PHRF of 210 minus a CD-30C PHRF of 186 = 24! Does THAT mean that he gives me 24 seconds per mile? Which, if that is the case, in the instant of the race to the Island of Adrian Block of approximately 18 miles would have come out to 7.2 minutes, in which case, Hanalei is STILL victorius as she crossed the line a full 15 (FIFTEEN ! !) minutes before any other vessel in the fleet!!!!

Arg, Matys', have at it! ! !

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30C
Capt. Dave,

You 'co-mangling' info from last years results and next years ratings. (Not that I have a much better handle on it.)

As I understand it (assuming next year's race is an 18 NM course);
210 (CD30C) - 186 (CD33 Sloop) = 24 seconds
24 seconds/mile times 18 miles = 7.2 minutes

So that means I depart 7 min. 12 seconds after you. AND that means I'll cross the finish line (again assuming all halyards remain fully operational) approx. 7 minutes ahead of you :-))

think I'll call Mike about those halyards now.

Fair Winds,
CDSOA #1 (Spinnaker Class)
Ed Haley

Re: Will the real #1 step forward!!!!!

Post by Ed Haley »

I wouldn't worry too much. They're bad shots, especially when shooting from behind.

Since I read the invitation in the subject bar, I may as well enter the fray. Mokita is in her bunk in Mystic and may just stay in the area for next summer to rewrite CD history once and for all before disappearing into waters of the hinterland up north. 'Tis a mighty draw to burst the bubbles of ye southern blokes!

Aye, someone drive the nail thru the dubloon to the mast
And a fair race she'll make.
We'll see who can make 'er run fast
When thar's soft gold at stake.

So fix your PHRFS and scrub those planks.
While the cold north wind she blows.
'Cause when at first ye sees the snakes
Look for Mokita in front of ye nose!

You're soon to see a cloud of white
Abaft of Mokita's wake.
Manys the reason for a sailor's might
For plying the lakes called GREAT.

Captain Ed Haley
CD330 Mokita
Warren Kaplan

Cape Dory Poet Laureate!!!

Post by Warren Kaplan »

Ed Haley wrote: I wouldn't worry too much. They're bad shots, especially when shooting from behind.

Since I read the invitation in the subject bar, I may as well enter the fray. Mokita is in her bunk in Mystic and may just stay in the area for next summer to rewrite CD history once and for all before disappearing into waters of the hinterland up north. 'Tis a mighty draw to burst the bubbles of ye southern blokes!

Aye, someone drive the nail thru the dubloon to the mast
And a fair race she'll make.
We'll see who can make 'er run fast
When thar's soft gold at stake.

So fix your PHRFS and scrub those planks.
While the cold north wind she blows.
'Cause when at first ye sees the snakes
Look for Mokita in front of ye nose!

You're soon to see a cloud of white
Abaft of Mokita's wake.
Manys the reason for a sailor's might
For plying the lakes called GREAT.

Captain Ed Haley
CD330 Mokita

A poet and a Cape Dory Sailor! The best of all worlds. Seems our Great Lakes Captain has revealed something of himself that heretofore remained a deep secret! Officers of the CDSOA.. I have a proposal. Along with our places of honor...Commodore, Vice Commodore, Rear Commodore, Treasurer and Secretary, let us create a new office. That of Poet Laureate of the CDSOA. Ed Haley. BRAVO!

Warren Kaplan (reader of poetry)
S/V Sine Qua Non
Michael Heintz

Re: Cape Dory Poet Laureate!!!

Post by Michael Heintz »

To our Northern Brother Ed Healey
New Captain of Mokita.
Who last year rode so freely,
Will have to say “see ya”

It will be Macht Nichts
blazing by in glory.
Who all aboard agree will beat the fleet
And will make you so sorry.

To all aboard Hanalei,
Proud Captain and mate.
This year you may have to turn to the Lee,
And find yourself a new racing date.
Warren Kaplan

Make that....Poet Laureates!

Post by Warren Kaplan »

Michael Heintz wrote: To our Northern Brother Ed Healey
New Captain of Mokita.
Who last year rode so freely,
Will have to say “see ya”

It will be Macht Nichts
blazing by in glory.
Who all aboard agree will beat the fleet
And will make you so sorry.

To all aboard Hanalei,
Proud Captain and mate.
This year you may have to turn to the Lee,
And find yourself a new racing date.

Captain Heintz,

I never cease to be amazed at the hidden strengths and talents of Cape Dory captains. A flagon of our finest ale to both you and Captain Healey. Perhaps the CDSOA would be interested in publishing, along with The Masthead, one volume a year entitled, "The Poetry of Cape Dory Captains". It is winter after all and many of our boats are out of reach, soon to be in deep hibernation, under tarp or shrink wrap. Such melancholy should be committed to paper to go along with the verse of the warlords we have just read.

Warren Kaplan
Sine Qua Non
Jack Jo Chamberlain

Re: CD-33 PHRF and Captain MacDonald...

Post by Jack Jo Chamberlain »

To Whom It May Concern, especially Capt. MacDonald:

The PHRF of the Chesapeake, Inc., rated our CD 33 at 195, with a 145 percent genoa and an asymetrical spinnaker.
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