We recently had some stormy weather in the Miami area, left over from latecomer hurricane Michelle... The boat was completely prepared for the 45-60 knts wind gusts we were to experience. The day after, upon close inspection, I found the INSIDE of the forward deck plexi hatch and the top of the cabin roof liner over the V-berth, all encrusted with salt. Following the salt trail, I discovered that the gasket on the Bomar hatch is almost completely worn out -I had never noticed before... has anyone replaced this gasket before? I guess I can order a replacement from Bomar.. this one is a Medium size, part #139, or so it says in my owner's manual. Comments appreciated.
Bomar hatch gasket leak...
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Bomar hatch gasket leak...
The replacement of the gasket is relatively straighforward. West Marine stocks the gasket, which has an adhesive strip attached. Remove the old gasket, clean the surface and then attach the new. I would suggest cutting the gasket ends on a 45 degree angle to minimize the possibilty of leakage at their union.
Good luck.
Mitchell Bober
Good luck.
Mitchell Bober
Re: Bomar hatch gasket leak...
Thanks, Mitchell... I will head out to West Marine tomorrow to get that gasket. Appreciate it.