CD 27 cruising speed

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Doug Powell

CD 27 cruising speed

Post by Doug Powell »

Our Cd 27(#228) has no tachometer and still is all original with Yanmar 8. How much throtle can you give it? Seems like if we do 4 knots the tough little engine is doing its best but the throtle is not all the way (pedal is not to the metal). We try to select a speed with minimum vibration but are reluctant to realy turn it on. What is the general opinion of a good cruising speed for this boat? Can you give it maximum throtle and not have it fall apart?
Doug and Jean on "Glissade"
Richard Gelfand

Re: CD 27 cruising speed

Post by Richard Gelfand »

I do not have a tach either on my Yanmar 8HP, CD27 Hull #66. I have, in flat or fairly flat water, pushed the boat along at about 5.5kts with out feeling that I was pushing her too hard. I generally will not go beyond what I "think" is about 75% power. In a sea I will get about 4.5kts. I recently had the engine realligned and vibration is reasonable.
Jeff Schmoyer

Re: CD 27 cruising speed

Post by Jeff Schmoyer »

I have CD27 hull#71 with the same engine (YSB8) except that previous owner switched to a 3 blade prop. He reported he gets extra 1/2 knot and better push against headwinds.

There is a lot of vibration and noise with this engine (I think I need new mounts and an alignment), but I find that there is a reasonable "sweet spot" where the throttle is just a wee bit lower to the floor of the line with the gear selector in fwd position.

At the "sweet spot" I get 5 knots in flat/calm conditions, and 4.5 in modest headwinds&seas.

I can get 5.5 knots by flooring the engine...nothing breaks but the note of the engine definitely becomes sort of a "roar" that just plain sounds like it's working hard.

I sometimes run it all out for a little while to get out of a bind, like running an inlet or making a timed bridge opening. Wouldn't want to do that for a long period, if only to make the trip more pleasant.

Eventualy, if the ol YSM8 ever comes to need major work I'll repower with the Yanmar 2GMF...

Larry McAnally

Re: CD 27 cruising speed

Post by Larry McAnally »

Doug Powell wrote: Our Cd 27(#228) has no tachometer and still is all original with Yanmar 8. How much throtle can you give it? Seems like if we do 4 knots the tough little engine is doing its best but the throtle is not all the way (pedal is not to the metal). We try to select a speed with minimum vibration but are reluctant to realy turn it on. What is the general opinion of a good cruising speed for this boat? Can you give it maximum throtle and not have it fall apart?
Doug and Jean on "Glissade"
To answer your question "how much throtel CAN you give her?" I will tell you that I have experienced "RUN-AWAY" on my Yanmar 8.
I sail WINDCHASER hull# 133 and have on several occasions had the original YSM8 go to MAX throtle uncontrollably! It is a very scarry thing to experience. However it demonstrates to me that it can take A LOT OF THROTLE.
I believe it says much for this engine that it will take that and that we are having this discussion about the original power for hull #s 133, 71 and 66.
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