Main sail reef

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Bill Lawson

Main sail reef

Post by Bill Lawson »

I would like to add slab reefing to my 1980 TY instead of using the roller system. Can someone who has done this share how you did yours? Thanks in advance. I think it can be done with three pieces of hardware and line but am not sure how the reef tack attaches to the boom or mast.

Re: Main sail reef

Post by sloopjohnl »

the first thing i did was get the reef points put in the mainsail. this will be a determining factor as to where the clew falls on the boom when reefed. i attached a tack reef hook to the boom with rivets. for the clew i attached a cheek block to the mast on the same side as the tack hook. i attached a line to the becket on the block, ran it under the boom, up the mainsail, thru the reef clew grommet, back down the other side of the mainsail to the block and back to the existing cleat on the boom used for the outhaul. i use 1/8" line for the outhaul so there is still plenty of room on the cleat for the 1/4" line i use for the reefing lines. for the two reef points between the tack and the clew i just keep two 1/4" lines handy inside the companionway to tidy up the main.
one note: keep your cheek block a bit aft of where the reefing clew falls on the boom, this will allow you to get a tight foot on the reefed main.
easy to do, good luck, and better sailing! i^)

Bill Lawson wrote: I would like to add slab reefing to my 1980 TY instead of using the roller system. Can someone who has done this share how you did yours? Thanks in advance. I think it can be done with three pieces of hardware and line but am not sure how the reef tack attaches to the boom or mast.
Mike Wainfeld

Re: Main sail reef

Post by Mike Wainfeld »

Bill-Similar to sloopjohn, but instead of attaching the tack hook to the boom, I bought a new gooseneck from Rig-Rite with an integral hook (already welded to the goseneck). A cheek block on the port side of the boom, same side as the hook. The reefing line-a bowline around the boom, up the starboard side of the sail, thru the reefing cringle, down thru the cheek block and forward to a cleat also on the port side of the boom. To reef, I heave-to on a port tack, stand in the companionway on the berths, reach over and loose the main halyard on the cabintop cleat, and lower the main till I can slip the tack cringle over the hook, then tighten the halyard. The reefing line is led forward over the cleat on the boom, just reach over, pull the clew down tight, and make fast to the cleat. Then tie in the reef-not under the boom, just below the sail foot. All can be accomplished in about a minute. A very key upgrade.
May need to reef tomorrow-going on maybe the last sail of the season, and they're calling for some wind.
Mike Wainfeld
CD Ty "Regalo"

Re: Main sail reef

Post by Craig »

Check out Sailrite. They have a do-it-yourself reefing system, that is straight forward and relatively inexpensive. I also have a 1980 Ty. I put reef points in my mainsail last winter, and added the hardware (that comes with the package) to my boom. It was a fun project and turned out well. I reefed a lot over the summer (call me a whimp, but I went out with my two young kids when there were whitecaps and alot of gusts), and had no problems. The setup sounds simpler than that described in the two previous posts. The hardware on the boom goes on the starboard side. You can then reef on a starboard tack, which as John Vigor (who used to contribute to this site until his feelings were hurt or offended)points out is the safest tack, because you will have the right of way.
Good luck
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