CD25 Tiller mount

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Don Kolenda

CD25 Tiller mount

Post by Don Kolenda »

Problem is a loose Tiller: it connects to bronze "thing", thing connects to rudder post. The hole to which bolt attaches tiller to thing have opened in time due to wear, corrosion. Result is a loose, wobbly tiller in hand. Question: source for replacement of "thing" or alternatives? (or name for 'thing' so I can at least appear more salty! when continuing inquires). CD25, 1974, hull #76.
Serge Zimberoff

Re: CD25 Tiller mount

Post by Serge Zimberoff »

Current issue of 'Good Old Boat' magazine has a good article discussing this problem and the fix suggested. Get a copy if you can because it is complete with pictures etc. Variations on their theme would solve many problems with tiller attachment.
TY #1700 'Cloning Around'
Curtis (Mandolin)

Re: CD25 Tiller mount

Post by Curtis (Mandolin) »

Don Kolenda wrote: Problem is a loose Tiller: it connects to bronze "thing", thing connects to rudder post. The hole to which bolt attaches tiller to thing have opened in time due to wear, corrosion. Result is a loose, wobbly tiller in hand. Question: source for replacement of "thing" or alternatives? (or name for 'thing' so I can at least appear more salty! when continuing inquires). CD25, 1974, hull #76.
We had the same problem with the tiller being loose. We made a very ixepensive fix by using a non corrosive washer to fill the gap. It has worked great and no more play in the tiller.

Lots of things

Post by Jon »


I've got an old (1995) Spartan Marine catalog and it is full of things - all kinds of things. I believe the thing you seek is thing #T700SC (if your tiller is 1-5/16") or T745SC (if your tiller is 1-3/4"). It is a wonderful bronze thing some folks call a "tiller strap & cap."

CD25 Sovereign
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