dinghy for Cape Dory 28 FBC...Trinka or Whitehall or???

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dinghy for Cape Dory 28 FBC...Trinka or Whitehall or???

Post by Edd »

I think I want a Trinka 8 dinghy -row or sail-(used slightly) for my CDFBC 28. Looking for leads and opinions. Would consider a Whitehall ("twist my arm")


Brett Miller

Re: dinghy for Cape Dory 28 FBC...Trinka or Whitehall or???

Post by Brett Miller »


I have a Trinka 10 (with sailing rig). I purchased it with the intention of using it as a tender for a CD36, but I think I may ultimately go with an inflatable for that purpuse. In any case, I highly recommend the Trinka. It is well built, actually fun to sail, and good to look at. Johannsen boatworks also offers great support if you ever need anything. I had a rotten toe rail section and they sent me replacement teak for free. The interesting part is that I bought the boat used, and they didn't give a rat's *&%. The only difficulty is finding a used one -- not too easy, but regular monitoring of Soundings should work (particularly if you are willing to travel).
Edd wrote: I think I want a Trinka 8 dinghy -row or sail-(used slightly) for my CDFBC 28. Looking for leads and opinions. Would consider a Whitehall ("twist my arm")

Joe Wysong

Re: dinghy for Cape Dory 28 FBC...Trinka or Whitehall or???

Post by Joe Wysong »

Edd wrote: I think I want a Trinka 8 dinghy -row or sail-(used slightly) for my CDFBC 28. Looking for leads and opinions. Would consider a Whitehall ("twist my arm")

We towed a Trinka 8' behind our Pacific Seacraft Dana and are now towing a 10' behind our CD 330. Extraordinay rower/sailer.


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