Am I wrong here. Boat Yard?

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Am I wrong here. Boat Yard?

Post by Dave »

I have been in the same yard now for the past two years. last year I could use water when ever I wanted and power when they were in the shop area. This year when I called them to get my CD25 pulled out they said the rates went up a lilttle. I said that's fine and she was pulled out about a six weeks ago. I was assuming that the contract was going to be about the same as last year and maybe that's my mistake, but this year I can't use any power or there's will be a fee. Plus, I couldn't use their hoses to get water to the boat and I had to go out and buy 300' of hose, which turned into a lovely descussion in the parking lot. Now, I was told something completely diferent on the phone where I would have power and water supplied, but it states on the contract that it goes from 11-01-01 to 04-31-02 and those will not be supplied. The fee was 38 dollars a foot which also suprized me. but did include taking the mast down amd resteping. I just feel for that amount of money they should supply some service.

My question is. Is this normal busness policy of a yard or am I getting shafted here. Is the 4-31-02 a normal ending date of this kind of contract? If you don't mind, what are some of you paying for rates and are you getting good working areas for your boat with power and water, or are you stuck down at the end of the yard in a puddle of mud like me and have nothing? Thanks for any helpful thoughts on this matter.

CD25 R&R
Ken Coit

Re: Am I wrong here. Boat Yard?

Post by Ken Coit »


Jarrett Bay, about MP 198 on the ICW, publishes their rates on the web. See the link below.

Haul Out, Blocking, and Launch:

50 Ton Lift $ 5.00 per foot

Dry Storage $ 0.35 per ft. per day
(vessels under 19’ beam hauled by 50 ton lift) $ 1.75 per ft. per week
$ 4.50 per ft. per month

Dry Storage $ 0.60 per ft. per day
(vessels over 19’ beam hauled by 200 ton lift) $ 3.25 per ft. per week
$ 7.00 per ft. per month

Wet Dockage (without service) $ .75 per ft. per day
$ 2.50 per ft. per week
Monthly rate with advance payment $ 240.00
Yearly rate with advance payment $2,400.00

Mast Storage up to 60’ $ 5.00 per week
Mast Storage Over 60’ $10.00 per week

ALL STORAGE PRICES INCLUDE 24 HOUR SECURITY SERVICE (electrical power is not included)

Looks like hauling, power washing, storing a 25 footer for six months, and launching would run about $825 in their yard. Of course, if you were in the water, you could be sailing most of those months down here.

I used the yard to haul Parfait for some bottom work. I guess I'd say that you ought to get something in writing at any yard, before they have control, or you are likely to see escalating fees.


Dave wrote: I have been in the same yard now for the past two years. last year I could use water when ever I wanted and power when they were in the shop area. This year when I called them to get my CD25 pulled out they said the rates went up a lilttle. I said that's fine and she was pulled out about a six weeks ago. I was assuming that the contract was going to be about the same as last year and maybe that's my mistake, but this year I can't use any power or there's will be a fee. Plus, I couldn't use their hoses to get water to the boat and I had to go out and buy 300' of hose, which turned into a lovely descussion in the parking lot. Now, I was told something completely diferent on the phone where I would have power and water supplied, but it states on the contract that it goes from 11-01-01 to 04-31-02 and those will not be supplied. The fee was 38 dollars a foot which also suprized me. but did include taking the mast down amd resteping. I just feel for that amount of money they should supply some service.

My question is. Is this normal busness policy of a yard or am I getting shafted here. Is the 4-31-02 a normal ending date of this kind of contract? If you don't mind, what are some of you paying for rates and are you getting good working areas for your boat with power and water, or are you stuck down at the end of the yard in a puddle of mud like me and have nothing? Thanks for any helpful thoughts on this matter.

CD25 R&R
John R.

Re: Am I wrong here. Boat Yard?

Post by John R. »

I've been in one heck of a lot of boat yards in my days and frankly I think you are getting screwed. Boat yards are about SERVICE. That's their business.
Dave wrote: I have been in the same yard now for the past two years. last year I could use water when ever I wanted and power when they were in the shop area. This year when I called them to get my CD25 pulled out they said the rates went up a lilttle. I said that's fine and she was pulled out about a six weeks ago. I was assuming that the contract was going to be about the same as last year and maybe that's my mistake, but this year I can't use any power or there's will be a fee. Plus, I couldn't use their hoses to get water to the boat and I had to go out and buy 300' of hose, which turned into a lovely descussion in the parking lot. Now, I was told something completely diferent on the phone where I would have power and water supplied, but it states on the contract that it goes from 11-01-01 to 04-31-02 and those will not be supplied. The fee was 38 dollars a foot which also suprized me. but did include taking the mast down amd resteping. I just feel for that amount of money they should supply some service.

My question is. Is this normal busness policy of a yard or am I getting shafted here. Is the 4-31-02 a normal ending date of this kind of contract? If you don't mind, what are some of you paying for rates and are you getting good working areas for your boat with power and water, or are you stuck down at the end of the yard in a puddle of mud like me and have nothing? Thanks for any helpful thoughts on this matter.

CD25 R&R

Re: Am I wrong here. Boat Yard?

Post by joanie »

You are not wrong.

We pay $33 per foot, includes mast unstep/step. Also includes water and electricity every other boat, heated cottage with kitchen and bathroom facilities for everyone to use(24hours) , electronic gated security, 24 hour access. End of contract is sometime in June I think.

Well worth the money

Personally, if I had my druthers I would have my boat trucked to my own backyard , but this will have to do for now.


Re: Am I wrong here. Boat Yard?

Post by Harris »

Storage rates at the NJ shore range from $13-$25 per foot with $19-$21 being the norm. Removing and stepping the mast is generally another $100. I've seen some marinas get pretty hostile towards customers....especially sailboat owners. I'd suggest that you look for a yard that is exclusivly sail. Also call around next year and price storage. Wether you are being screwed depends on the rates in your area. And surpixingly I bet they vary widely.
john doyle

Re: Am I wrong here. Boat Yard?

Post by john doyle »

Ken Coit wrote: Dave,

Jarrett Bay, about MP 198 on the ICW, publishes their rates on the web. See the link below.

Haul Out, Blocking, and Launch:

50 Ton Lift $ 5.00 per foot

Dry Storage $ 0.35 per ft. per day
(vessels under 19’ beam hauled by 50 ton lift) $ 1.75 per ft. per week
$ 4.50 per ft. per month

Dry Storage $ 0.60 per ft. per day
(vessels over 19’ beam hauled by 200 ton lift) $ 3.25 per ft. per week
$ 7.00 per ft. per month

Wet Dockage (without service) $ .75 per ft. per day
$ 2.50 per ft. per week
Monthly rate with advance payment $ 240.00
Yearly rate with advance payment $2,400.00

Mast Storage up to 60’ $ 5.00 per week
Mast Storage Over 60’ $10.00 per week

ALL STORAGE PRICES INCLUDE 24 HOUR SECURITY SERVICE (electrical power is not included)

Looks like hauling, power washing, storing a 25 footer for six months, and launching would run about $825 in their yard. Of course, if you were in the water, you could be sailing most of those months down here.

I used the yard to haul Parfait for some bottom work. I guess I'd say that you ought to get something in writing at any yard, before they have control, or you are likely to see escalating fees.


Dave wrote: I have been in the same yard now for the past two years. last year I could use water when ever I wanted and power when they were in the shop area. This year when I called them to get my CD25 pulled out they said the rates went up a lilttle. I said that's fine and she was pulled out about a six weeks ago. I was assuming that the contract was going to be about the same as last year and maybe that's my mistake, but this year I can't use any power or there's will be a fee. Plus, I couldn't use their hoses to get water to the boat and I had to go out and buy 300' of hose, which turned into a lovely descussion in the parking lot. Now, I was told something completely diferent on the phone where I would have power and water supplied, but it states on the contract that it goes from 11-01-01 to 04-31-02 and those will not be supplied. The fee was 38 dollars a foot which also suprized me. but did include taking the mast down amd resteping. I just feel for that amount of money they should supply some service.

My question is. Is this normal busness policy of a yard or am I getting shafted here. Is the 4-31-02 a normal ending date of this kind of contract? If you don't mind, what are some of you paying for rates and are you getting good working areas for your boat with power and water, or are you stuck down at the end of the yard in a puddle of mud like me and have nothing? Thanks for any helpful thoughts on this matter.

CD25 R&R
I'm on Lake Lanier outside of Atlanta, Ga.
Haul out $5 a foot. Pressure wash $1.75 a foot. Storage $3 a day without electricity or water & doubles after 3 months. With electricity & water $9 a day & doubles after 2 weeks. Boat yards think if you own a boat you are wealthy.
John CD31 #18

Re: Am I wrong here. Boat Yard?

Post by Brian »

Water and electricity? You should be asking for grease. That's what you get when you store your boat in a state that only has 13 miles of coastline(or is it 9?) "Live free or die...a poor man"

To store your 25' boat at the 'exclusive' BHYC would run you a mere $250 +$100 in annual dues. Cost to unstep and restep: N/C

I'll help you build a cradle this spring/summer.

See you next fall at the BHYC.

Your cousin,

Clay Stalker

Re: Am I wrong here. Boat Yard?

Post by Clay Stalker »

Dave wrote: I have been in the same yard now for the past two years. last year I could use water when ever I wanted and power when they were in the shop area. This year when I called them to get my CD25 pulled out they said the rates went up a lilttle. I said that's fine and she was pulled out about a six weeks ago. I was assuming that the contract was going to be about the same as last year and maybe that's my mistake, but this year I can't use any power or there's will be a fee. Plus, I couldn't use their hoses to get water to the boat and I had to go out and buy 300' of hose, which turned into a lovely descussion in the parking lot. Now, I was told something completely diferent on the phone where I would have power and water supplied, but it states on the contract that it goes from 11-01-01 to 04-31-02 and those will not be supplied. The fee was 38 dollars a foot which also suprized me. but did include taking the mast down amd resteping. I just feel for that amount of money they should supply some service.

My question is. Is this normal busness policy of a yard or am I getting shafted here. Is the 4-31-02 a normal ending date of this kind of contract? If you don't mind, what are some of you paying for rates and are you getting good working areas for your boat with power and water, or are you stuck down at the end of the yard in a puddle of mud like me and have nothing? Thanks for any helpful thoughts on this matter.

CD25 R&R

Are you in New Hampshire? I live in Keene and used to sail out of Pepperell Cove in Kittery Point. I used a yard called Independent Boat Haulers in Eliot, Me. Excellent company with very reasonable rates, water and electricity at will. You might try them....seems like your situation is getting a bit out of hand. Good luck!

Clay Stalker


Re: Am I wrong here. Boat Yard?

Post by Joanie »

18 miles of coastline in NH

Brian wrote: Water and electricity? You should be asking for grease. That's what you get when you store your boat in a state that only has 13 miles of coastline(or is it 9?) "Live free or die...a poor man"

To store your 25' boat at the 'exclusive' BHYC would run you a mere $250 +$100 in annual dues. Cost to unstep and restep: N/C

I'll help you build a cradle this spring/summer.

See you next fall at the BHYC.

Your cousin,



Thanks for all your responces

Post by Dave »

Thanks for all your helpful messages. I now know that I am getting taken here, but what can you do. As long as they get the boat in the water without droping it and not breaking the mast/rigging I'll be happy. I think I'll tell them that they can NOT move or touch my boat with out me being there. (There are some wierd scratches and blue paint that i don't remember being on the stern of the boat) To Brian, I'm gong to call first thing in the morning to the yard down your way to get on the waiting list. I'll talk with you soon if I have any questions.

Dave wrote: I have been in the same yard now for the past two years. last year I could use water when ever I wanted and power when they were in the shop area. This year when I called them to get my CD25 pulled out they said the rates went up a lilttle. I said that's fine and she was pulled out about a six weeks ago. I was assuming that the contract was going to be about the same as last year and maybe that's my mistake, but this year I can't use any power or there's will be a fee. Plus, I couldn't use their hoses to get water to the boat and I had to go out and buy 300' of hose, which turned into a lovely descussion in the parking lot. Now, I was told something completely diferent on the phone where I would have power and water supplied, but it states on the contract that it goes from 11-01-01 to 04-31-02 and those will not be supplied. The fee was 38 dollars a foot which also suprized me. but did include taking the mast down amd resteping. I just feel for that amount of money they should supply some service.

My question is. Is this normal busness policy of a yard or am I getting shafted here. Is the 4-31-02 a normal ending date of this kind of contract? If you don't mind, what are some of you paying for rates and are you getting good working areas for your boat with power and water, or are you stuck down at the end of the yard in a puddle of mud like me and have nothing? Thanks for any helpful thoughts on this matter.

CD25 R&R
Joe Wysong

Re: Am I wrong here. Boat Yard?

Post by Joe Wysong »

Dave wrote: I have been in the same yard now for the past two years. last year I could use water when ever I wanted and power when they were in the shop area. This year when I called them to get my CD25 pulled out they said the rates went up a lilttle. I said that's fine and she was pulled out about a six weeks ago. I was assuming that the contract was going to be about the same as last year and maybe that's my mistake, but this year I can't use any power or there's will be a fee. Plus, I couldn't use their hoses to get water to the boat and I had to go out and buy 300' of hose, which turned into a lovely descussion in the parking lot. Now, I was told something completely diferent on the phone where I would have power and water supplied, but it states on the contract that it goes from 11-01-01 to 04-31-02 and those will not be supplied. The fee was 38 dollars a foot which also suprized me. but did include taking the mast down amd resteping. I just feel for that amount of money they should supply some service.

My question is. Is this normal busness policy of a yard or am I getting shafted here. Is the 4-31-02 a normal ending date of this kind of contract? If you don't mind, what are some of you paying for rates and are you getting good working areas for your boat with power and water, or are you stuck down at the end of the yard in a puddle of mud like me and have nothing? Thanks for any helpful thoughts on this matter.

CD25 R&R
After spending ten years wintering our boat at Robinhood Marine, having them earn over $20,000 in brokerage fees for selling out Pacific Seacraft Dana and for assisting us in buying our CD 330, enduring arrogant attitudes by upper management and being nickle and dimed to death, the straw that broke the camel’s back finally came last year when a new member of the senior staff decided that a boat belonging to a friend of his deserved to purge us from the dock as we were closing down the boat for the winter, we decided to leave – post haste.

We’ve now spent a delightful year at the Paul E. Luke yard in East Boothbay. The Luke yard is more steeped in yacht construction history than Robinhood, which, compared to Luke’s, is new to the game.


Robinhood – $4123.38 as of 1999

Luke – $2035.00 as of today

The prices include the same services – hauling, winterizing, mast removal & storage, dingy storage – etc., etc.,

Luke’s, in East Boothbay, is about fifteen miles from Robinhood.

The difference in costs an attitudes in Main boatyards is extraordinary.
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