Cape Dory 30 "model A"

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Paul Bailey

Cape Dory 30 "model A"

Post by Paul Bailey »

I'm looking at a 1978 Cape Dory 30 that is referred to as a "model A". Can anyone tell me what "model A" means...? I haven't seen any Cape Dorys referred to in that way.
Joe Sankey

Re: Cape Dory 30 "model A"

Post by Joe Sankey »

In about 1985 Cape Dory offered a new layout in the 30; called the "B" interior. It is similar in layout to the 25D, with a hanging locker aft of the anchor locker; full width head forward (no V Berth), and a convertible settee to port with starboard quarter berth and nav station. I don't think the original layout was officially the "A" model but took on that nomenclature to let folks know it had the standard V berth layout. To see the difference check out the information on this site and/or take a look at the 1992 CD 30 mentioned here recently.
Paul Bailey wrote: I'm looking at a 1978 Cape Dory 30 that is referred to as a "model A". Can anyone tell me what "model A" means...? I haven't seen any Cape Dorys referred to in that way.
Ken Coit

Re: Cape Dory 30 "model A"

Post by Ken Coit »


Basically, the "model A" has the traditional layout with a V-berth forward. You are quite right, they aren't usually referred to that way. The "Model B" (CD/30B) however, does not have a V-berth forward, it has a large head instead and a large main salon, much like the 25D, only bigger.

Every boat is a compromise, so you have to decide whether the separate sleeping quarters are more important than the spacious main salon. Some believe that the "B" is ideal for a cruising couple; we ended up buying a 36 to get both the space and the V-berth and get out of the boat searching phase.

Your mileage may vary....


CD/36 Parfait
Raleigh, NC

Paul Bailey wrote: I'm looking at a 1978 Cape Dory 30 that is referred to as a "model A". Can anyone tell me what "model A" means...? I haven't seen any Cape Dorys referred to in that way.
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