CD25 Dry dock storage

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh


Re: Picture is worth a thousand words

Post by Jon »

I agree,

I would feel very uneasy walking forward without the V stand in place. Keep some carpeting on the V part to avoid scratching the hull. I wouldn't imagine leaving the boat without chains snugly holding the opposite stands together either. Don't ever remove a stand to paint - many people have been killed doing that - get another stand to take it's place and chain it. Also, the aft bulkhead on a CD25 is exactly where that middle stand is, not that there should be much load being carried by the stand.

CD25 Sovereign
Mark Yashinsky

Jack stands and covers do not mix.

Post by Mark Yashinsky »

Also, do NOT tie any cover to the jack stands. If your cover gets loose in the wind, it can pull the stand(s) out (w/ undesired results). Tie the cover to the boat, under the boat or to weights hanging off the boat.
Mike Fallon

Trailer for Typhoon Weekender - want to buy in NY area

Post by Mike Fallon »

I'm searching for a triad or other suitable trailer for a CD weekender. I'm willing to consider any within 400miles of New York City. I'd prefer one that is in fair or better condition. Please Email or call 212 692 0208.
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