draining water tanks on cd 36

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charlie palumbo

draining water tanks on cd 36

Post by charlie palumbo »

I have a jabsco diaphragm pump 39650-2000 which pumps freshwater to my galley and head faucets. Recently it has not been working.
After unsuccessfully trying to purchase a rebuild kit for this pump at marine stores (they stock rebuild kits for 39650-1000). jabsco sent me a complimentary rebuild kit. After rebuilding the pump, I seemed to have solved the leak problems, yet instead of pumping smoothly from the outlet side of the pump, water spurts out intermittently...tank is full and there appears to be no clog.
questions....What is the best way of emptying two full tanks of approximately 25-30 gallons of water, if I can't get this pump operational? obviously I can't pump this water out with the small hand pump. If I disconnect the hose from the open gate valve from the tank in use, will water drain into the bilge? I s there a better way? As I Wish to replace this pump next year, any suggestions on a better unit? Sincerel appreciate any feedback.

D. Stump

Re: Use a wet/dry 5gal shop vac...NM

Post by D. Stump »

empty it over the side
Richard Feffer

Re: draining water tanks on cd 36

Post by Richard Feffer »

It sounds as though you may have air in the lines. Typical when lines from the tank have been disconnected or when the tank runs dry. Open a valve, let some air out of the lines, then close the valve again. Repeat with all valves until all air is clear. Water should then pump and flow normally. Could take a while, especially if you have a hot water tank. The pump is attempting to fill the tank, but can't because of the air in the system.

Steve Alarcon

Re: draining water tanks on cd 36

Post by Steve Alarcon »


I had a recalcitrant v-birth tank that had the very same symptoms. After much troubleshooting, I decided to pull out the fresh water manifold beneath the galley sink, and rebuild each shut off valve. When I dissasembled the one for the v-birth tank, I found it partially clogged with pieces of plastic that looked to be chips from the tank itself, (probably from the manufacturing process when the pickup and vent connections were added. I plucked them out with tweezers, and now everything works just fine.

Steve Alarcon
CD36 Tenacity

Leo MacDonald

Re: draining water tanks on cd 36

Post by Leo MacDonald »

Hi Charlie,

As to draining the tanks:
Each fall when Heather Ann went on the hard I would open the garboard drain (bottom of bilge) and then siphon the potable water tanks into the bilge. Only takes 5-10 minutes:-)

Fair Winds,
(Treading water in Fishers Isl. Sound)

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